There are things that are known and things that are unknown; in between is exploration. -Anonymous
Space History
- Space History Introduction
- Rocket History
- Early Astronauts
- Automated Spacecraft
- Hypothetical Planets
Historical Publications
- The Martian Landscape
- Viking Orbiter Views of Mars
- On Mars: Exploration of the Red Planet 1958-1978
- Apollo: Expeditions to the Moon
- Chariots for Apollo: A History of Manned Lunar Spacecraft
- The First Lunar Landing: A History of Manned Lunar Spacecraft
- Where No Man Has Gone Before: A History of Apollo Lunar Exploration Missions
Space Exploration Chronology
Spacecraft Mission Summaries
This is a partial list of past, present, and future planetary and solar missions; for a complete account, please see the Space Exploration Chronology. Space exploration is becoming increasingly internationalized; as a result, the national designations listed here are not completely representative of the true nature of all projects.
U.S. Missions
- Apollo Landing Missions
- Apollo: Expeditions to the Moon
- Chariots for Apollo: A History of Manned Lunar Spacecraft
- Prologue
- Spacecraft, Suits, and Rovers
- Precursors to the Landing Missions
- Apollo 11, Apollo 12, Apollo 13, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16, Apollo 17
- Epilogue: When might we go back to the Moon?
- Apollo Lunar Surface Journal
- Robotic Spacecraft
- Mariner Missions
- Ranger to the Moon (1964 - 1965)
- Lunar Orbiter (1966-1967)
- Surveyor
- Pioneer 10 & 11
- Viking
- Voyager
- Solar Maximum Mission
- Magellan
- Galileo
- Clementine to the Moon
- Mars Global Surveyor
- Mars Pathfinder Spacecraft
- Mars Pathfinder Rover
- Cassini/Huygens
- Lunar Prospector
- Deep Space 1
- Mars Climate Orbiter
- Mars Polar Lander
- Deep Space 2
- Stardust
- 2001 Mars Odyssey
- Mars Exploration Rovers
- New Horizons Pluto Kuiper Belt Flyby
- Phoenix Mars Lander
- Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
- Dawn
- Mars Science Laboratory
USSR/Russia Missions
- Luna Mission Summaries, 1959 - 1976
- Zond Mission Summaries, 1965 - 1970
- Phobos
- Mars 96
- Venera Mission Summaries, 1967 - 1983
European Missions
China National Space Missions
Japanese Missions
Spacecraft Home Pages for Current and Future Missions
- SOHO - The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory
- Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)
- Cassini: Voyage to Saturn
- Voyager Project Home Page
- Project Galileo (JPL) - Home Page
- Ulysses Home Page
- Mars Exploration Home Page