On Mars:
Exploration of the Red Planet. 1958-1978
- 1. Langley Research
Ctr., Viking Project Office (VPO), "Minutes, Viking Project
Science Steering Group .Meeting at Langley Research Center," 21
Feb. 1969, p. 2. Mars orbital imaging had been a topic of
discussion for a number of years. For an early view of the site
selection problem, see Paul R. Swan and Carl Sagan, "Martian
Landing Sites for the Voyager Mission," Journal of Spacecraft and
Rockets 2 (Jan-Feb. 1965): 18-25. See also J. W. Kiefer, "The
Influence of Visual Imaging Experiments on Unmanned Mars
Spacecraft Missions," paper, 104th Technical Conference of the
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 10-15 Nov.
1968; this 16-page paper was prepared by McDonnell Douglas Corp.
under contract 952 000 for JPL as part of its studies for Project
- 2. VPO, ''Minutes,
Viking Project Science Steering Group Meeting at Stanford
University," 20-21 Mar. 1969, p. 3.
- 3. James S. Martin,
"Landing Site Group," memo, 20 Aug. 1970.
- 4. VPO, ''Minutes,
Viking '75 Project Landing Site Group Meeting at MIT," 2 Sept.
1970, pp. 1-5.
- 5. John E. Naugle,
"Decision to Reschedule Viking to 1975," memo for record, 4 Jan.
1970; and Victor Cohn, "Scientists Cite Social Needs; Cut in Space
Program Urged," Washington Post, 29 Dec. 1969.
- 6. VPO, "Minutes, Viking
'75 Project Landing Site Group Meeting at NASA Ames Research
Center," 26-27 Oct. 1970, p. 5.
- 7. VPO, "Minutes, Viking
'75 Project Science Steering Group Meeting at Jet Propulsion
Laboratory,'' 10-11 June 1970, pp. 5-6; and "Viking Science
Activities," 7 July 1970, p. 2.
- 8. Orbiter Imaging Team,
"An Assessment of Viking Orbital Imaging and a Comparison of the
Viking and MM71 Camera Systems" [Oct. 1970], encl. to Michael H.
Carr to Martin, "Orbiter Imaging Review," 13 Oct. 1970; and Harold
Masursky telephone interview, 21 Oct. 1976, by Edward C.
- 9. Orbiter Imaging Team,
"An Assessment of Viking Orbital Imaging."
- 10. VPO, ''Minutes,
Landing Site Group Meeting," 26-27 Oct. 1970, pp. 5-6; and VPO,
"Minutes, Viking Science Steering Group Meeting," 28-29 Oct. 1970,
p. 3.
- 11. VPO, ''Minutes,
Viking Science Steering Group Meeting," 19 Sept. 1971 and 6-7 Oct.
1971; and Masursky telephone interview.
- 12. VPO. "Minutes,
Landing Site Group Meeting," 26-27 Oct. 1970, pp. 6-9; Robert S.
Kramer, "Coordination of Mars Investigation Programs," memo, 25
May 1970; Earl W. Glahn to Dan Schneiderman, 28 Jan. 1971; and
Steve Z. Gunter to John Newcomb, Edward Hinson, and Jim Hardy, 20
June 1973, with encl., N. R. Haynes et al., "Mariner Mars 1971
Adaptive Mission Planning," AIAA paper 72-944, AIAA/AAS
Astrodynamics Conference, Palo Alto, Calif.. 11-12 Sept.
- 13. Sagan, ''Provision
Criteria for Viking Landing Site Selection,'' n.d., encl. to''
Minutes, Viking Landing Site Group Meeting,,'' 2-3 Dec. 1970; and
Glahn to Kraemer. "Radar Studies of Mars for Topographic Data," 30
Mar. 1970.
- 14. Sagan, "Provisional
Critetia for Viking Landing Site Selection"; and Alan Binder,
''Viking Lander Site Criteria," n.d.. encl. to Binder to A. Thomas
Young. 23 Sept. 1970.
- 15. Sagan,
''Provisional Criteria for Viking Landing Site Selection."
- 16. VPO, ''Minutes,
Viking Science Steering Group Meeting,'' 15-l6 Dec. 1970.
- 17. "Mariner Mars 1971
Project Office/Viking Project Office Memorandum of Agreement for
Viking Program for Viking Participation in Mariner '71 Mission
Operations,'' 2 Feb. 1971, encl. to VPO, "Minutes, Fourth Viking
'75 Project Landing Site Group Meeting at NASA, Langley Research
Center," 21 Apr. 1971.
- 18. VPO," Minutes,
Landing Site Group Meeting, "21 Apr. 1971; Martin, "Membership to
the Viking Data Analysis Team for Participation in the Mariner
Mars '71 Mission Operations," memo, 19 July 1971; and Angelo
Guastaferro to Frank W. McCabe, 17 Aug. 1971.
- 19. JPL, Mariner Mars
1971 Status Bulletin 2, "Mariner 8 Lost at Sea," 10 May 1971, and
Bull. 3, "Mariner 1 Launch Scheduled 29 May '71," 25 May 1971;
George M. Low to James C. Fletcher," Mariner 1 Launch Readiness,"
27 May 1971; JPL, Mariner Mars 1971 Status Bull. 4, "Mariner
9-Right on!" 1 June 1971; Naugle to Fletcher, "Mariner 9 Post
Launch #1, " 2 June 1971; and JPL, Mariner Mars 1971 Status Bull.
17, "Mariner 9 MOI-How Sweet It Is!" 15 Nov. 1971.
- 20. Unless otherwise
noted, the information on the Mariner 9 mission is taken from
William K. Hartmann and Odell Raper, The New Mars: The Discoveries
of Mariner 9, NASA SP-337 (Washington, 1974). See also the
following press accounts: Eric Burgess, "First Maps Produced of
Martian Weather System," Christian Science Monitor, 24 June 1971;
John Noble Wilford, "Thick Dust Shown on Mars," New York Times, 16
Nov. 1971; Walter Sullivan, "Mars: The Strange Storms of the Red
Planet, " New York Times, 21 Nov.1971; and Sullivan, " Mars:
Threat of a 'Major Scientific Disaster,' " New York Times, 12 Dec.
- 21. Hartmann and Raper,
The New Mars, pp. 39-42; Peter Smolders, Soviets in Space (New
York: Taplinger Publishing Co., 1974), pp. 230-35; and VPO,
"Minutes, Viking Science Steering Group Meeting," 8-9 Dec. 1971,
pp. 4-5, in which C. W. Snyder summarized what the Soviets had
told Sagan and what they had released to the press: "1. The Soviet
Mars 2 and 3 spacecraft were identical. 2. The Mars orbit
inclination for both spacecraft was 40 degrees. 3. There was some
difficulty with one spacecraft and it might not orbit." From this,
Snyder hypothesized the following: "l. Soviet Mars 3had trouble in
achieving orbit as evidenced by its 11-day orbit period. 2. The
lander from Soviet Mars 2 said by the Russians to have landed a
pennant on the surface had crashed. 3. The lander from Soviet Mars
3 had landed successfully but transmitted (through its orbiter)
only a part of a picture." See Charles F. Capen and Leonard J.
Martin, "The Developing Stages of the Martian Yellow Storm of
1971," Lowell Observatory Bulletin 7 [Jan. 1972]: 211-16; JPL,
Mariner Mars 1971 Status Bull. 20, "Mariner 9 TV Pictures," 10
Dec. 1971, and Bull. 22, "Dust Storm Dying," 12 Jan. 1972; and
William A. Baum to Robert A. Schmitz, 10 Feb. 1972.
- 22. V. V. Prokof'eva
and V. A. Fenchak, "O zaktukhanii global'noi pylevoi burl 1971 g.
na Marse" [Subsiding of the 1971 global dust storm on Mars],
Astronomicheskii Vestnik 9 (Oct.-Dec. 1975): 201 -09, trans. as
"Dying Down of the 1971 Global Storm on Mars." Solar System
Research 9 (April 1976): 165-71; Peter J. Gierasch, "Martian Dust
Storms," Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics 12 (Nov. 1975):
730-34; Barney J. Conrath, " Thermal Structures of the Martian
Atmosphere during the Dissipation of the Dust Storm of 1971,"
1carus 24 (1975):36-46; and Baum," Results of Current Mars Studies
at the IAU Planetary Research Center," in A. Woszgzyk and C.
Iwaniszewska, eds., Exploration of the Planetary System (
Dordrecht, Holland, Boston, 1974), pp.241-51. See also A. B.
Whitehead, "Reports on Russian Mission, " memo, 27 Sept.1972, with
encl., trans. of 25 Aug. 1972 Pravda article, "Initial Results of
Mars Probe Analyzed"; Young, "Transmittal of USSR Technical Papers
relating to the Mars 2 and 3 Missions," memo, 26 June 1973, with
encls.. V. 1. Moroz, "Rabochaya model' atmosfery Marsa" [Working
model of the atmosphere of Mars], NASA TT F-14 907, Apr. 1973; M.
K. Rozhdestvenskiy and V.1. Shkirina, "Mars-3: Otsenka parametrov
atmosfery v meste posadki sa" [Mars 3 estimate of parameters of
the atmosphere at the landing point of the spacecraft], NASA TT
F-14 907, Apr. 1973; Moroz, "Orbitalt'nyye apparaty Mars-2 I
Mars-3; Rezul'taty issledovaniy poverkhnosti i atmosfery Marsa"
[Mars 2 and Mars 3 orbital spacecraft; Results of studies of the
surface and atmosphere of Mars], NASA TT F-14 908, Apr. 1973; and
Gerald A. Soffen to Viking Scientists, "Pravda Article by Dr. 1.
Koval," 15 Aug. 1973.
- 23. VPO, " Minutes,
Viking Science Steering Group Meeting, "7-8 Dec.1971;" Minutes of
Viking Data Analysis Team Meeting at JPL," 16 Dec.1971; Schmitz,"
Viking Data Analysis Report Number l," memo. 28 fan. 1972: Baum,
"Where Will the Martian Dust Be When Viking Arrives," paper, AAS
Div. of Planetary Sciences Meeting. Kona, Hl. 20-24 Mar. 1972;
JPL. .Mariner Mars 1971 Status Bull. 23, "Pits. Spots, Cracks and
Rilles,'' 14 Jan. 1972 and Bull. 224, ''Unique Martian Landform,''
20 Jan. 1972.
- 24. VPO, "Minutes,
Viking, Science Steering Group Meeting.'' 16-18 Feb. 1972.
- 25. NASA, ''News
Conference on Mariner 9," news release. 2 Feb. 1972. For an
evaluation of the Mariner 6 and 7 television science team work,
see special issue, Journal of Geophysical Research 76 (10 Jan.
1971): 293-472. which includes Robert B. Leighton and Bruce
C.Murray, ''One Year's Process and Interpretation-An Overview,"
293-96. Murray et al.. "The Surface of Mars: 1. Cratered
Terrains,'' 313-30, Robert P. Sharp et al., ''The Surface of Mars:
2. Uncratered Terrains Terrains,'' 331-42, James A. Cutts et al.,
"The Surface of Mars: 3. Light and Dark Markings," 343-56; Sharp
et al., "The Surface of Mars: 4. South Polar Cap,'' 357-68. See
also J.A. Stallkamp, A. G. Herriman, and the Mariner Mars 1969
Experimenters, Mariner Mars 1969 Final Project Report: Scientific
Investigations, JPL Technical Rpt. 32-1460. vol. 3 (Pasadena.
1971); and Whithead to MM 71 Investigators, "Bruce Murray
Seminar," 2 Oct. 1972, with encl., "A New View of Mars,'' 28 Sept.
- 26. VPO, ''Minutes,
Viking Science Steering Group Meeting," 16-18 Feb.1972: VPO,
"Viking Science Activities,'' no. 29, 23 Sept. 1971. p. 5; and
Schmitz. "Viking Data Analysis Report Number 1.''
- 27. Soffen to Science
Steering Group. "Meetings during the Week of February 14, 1972," 9
Feb. 1972.
- 28. VPO, "Minutes,
Viking Science Steering Group Meeting," 16-18 Feb. 1972, pp. 6,
- 29. C. Howard Robins.
Jr., "Review of M75-140-0, Viking '75 Project Landing Site
Selection Plan,'' memo, 10 Feb. 1972, with draft plan encl.
- 30. VPO, "Coordination
Copy, M75-141-0. Viking 75 Project Landing Site Selection Plan,"
n.d.: .Masursky to Martin, 28 July 1971; Harold F. Hipsher,
"Mapping Coverage of Mars with Mariner Mars '71 (MM'71)," memo for
record. 4 June 1971; Martin to Vincent McKelvey. 3 Sept.
1971;.Vlartin to McKelvey, "Mars Mapping Support for Viking
Project," 18 Oct. 1971; Guastaferro to John P. Campbell Jr.,
''Mars Mapping Support for Viking, Purchase Request 06.000.1 j5,"
12 Nov. 1971: Masursky to George Recant, "Viking Cartography," 3
Nov. 1971; Masursky to N. J. Trask, ''Viking Cartography." 29 Oct.
1971; Masursky to Robins, 8 May 1972; and U.S. Geological Survey,
Branch of Astrogeologic Studies, "Proposal to Conduct Geologic
Mapping in Support of the Viking'75 Landers," 8 May 1972.
- 31. Thomas A. .Mutch to
Schmitz, l June 1972, with encl., Mutch, "VDAT Terrain
Analysis.''30 May 1972; VPO, "Minutes, Viking Data Analysis Team
Meeting, Jet Propulsion Lab," 15 March 1972 Schmitz to Viking Data
Analysis Team Members, "VDAT Final Report on Participation in the
Mariner Mars '71 Mission," 16 May 1972 and Schmitz. "Viking Data
Analysis Team Report on MM'71 Participation,'' memo, 13 July 1972,
with encl.. "Viking Data Analysis Team Report,'' prelim.,
.M75-144-0, n d.
- 32. VPO, " Minutes,
Viking 75 Project Landing Site Working Group Meeting at Jet
Propulsion Laboratory,''25 Apr. 1972.
- 33. Recant, "Rating of
Viking Target Areas to Be Photographed by Mariner 9," memo, 30 May
- 34. Robins to Landing
Site Working Group, "Revision to Near-Term Selection Activities
Schedule." 25 May 1972.
- 35. Recant, "Rating of
Viking Target Areas."
- 36. Schmitz to Martin.
'Status of Planning for Coverage of Viking Targets in the Mariner
9 Extended .Mission,'' 6 June 1972.
- 37. Masursky et al to
Schmitz," Additional Viking Targeting Sites for Extended Mariner 9
Mission," 9 June 1972.
- 38. VPO, ''Viking
Science Activities," no. 42. 23 June 1972, p. 4; Mutch to Naugle,
10 July 1972; and VPO, "Minutes, Viking Science, Steering Group
Meeting," 13 June 1972.
- 39. Young, "Transmittal
of Mariner 9 Data on Viking Target Sites," memo, 19 July 1972;
George P. Wood to Martin . "Some Inferences from Martian Crater
Trails, " 13 July 1972; Young, "August 4-5 Meeting," memo, 13 July
1972 and Kraemer to Naugle, "Viking Landing Sites." 31 July
- 40. Young, handwritten
notes from 4 Aug. 1972 meeting.
- 41. VPO, "Minutes,
Viking 75 Project Landing Site Working Group Meeting at Langley
Research Center," 4-5 Aug. 1972; and Young," Regions of Interest
for Landing Sites," memo, 1 Aug. 1972.
- 42. Henry W. Norris to
Martin. " 'North Polar Region' Landing Site Impact," 22 Sept.
1972: Joshua Lederberg to Robins [26 June 1972], with encl..
Lederberg to James D. Porter, "LSWG " [26 June 1972], both items
- 43. Young to Landing
Site Working Croup, " 'Polar Region' Landing Site Study," 25
Aug.1972; and Young to Martin, 17 Aug. 1972.
- 44. VPO. ''Minutes,
Viking 75 Project Landing Site Working Group Meeting at Langley
Research Center,'' 28.Sept. 1972 and ''Viking Project Science
Steering Group Minutes for Meeting Held September 29, 1972 at the
Langley Research Center.'' 29 Sept. 1972.
- 45. Young to Landing
Site Working Group, 'Candidate Landing Site Locations," TWX, 19
Oct. 1972: Masursky to Robert H. Steinbacher, 19 Oct. 1972; Young
to Sagan 20 Oct. 1972 Young to Porter, 24 Oct. 1972 Young to L.
Kingsland, Jr., 24 Oct. 1972; and Leonard V. Clark to Young, "LSWG
Comments regarding Hal Masursky's Suggested Changes to Candidate
Landing Site Locations," 25 Oct. 1972.
- 46. Naugle to Fletcher.
"Mariner Mars '71 Programs, Assessment of Extended Mission Post
Launch Mission Operation Report No. S-819-71-01/02. 4 Dec. 1972;
Low to Naugle, ''Viking Landing Site," 13 Nov. 1972; VPO, "Landing
Site Selection Status and 'North Polar Region Landing Site Study,"
presentation to Fletcher, 22 Nov.1972; and Martin to Kraemer,
"Viking Landing Sites,'' 29 Nov. 1972.
- 47. VPO, ''Minutes,
Viking 75 Project Landing Site Working Group Meeting at Kennedy
Space Center,'' 4-5 Dec.1972; VPO, "Viking Project Science
Steering Group Minutes for Meeting Held at Martin Marietta
Aerospace Orlando Facility," 7 Dec. 1972; and Soffen and Young to
Science Steering Group and Landing Site Working Group, "Joint
Meeting in December 1972," 10 Nov. 1972.
- 48. Young, "Candidate
'North Polar Region' Sites." memo, 15 Dec.1972, and "Candidate
Backup 'A' Site," memo, 26 Dec. 1972; Don L. Anderson to Soffen,
21 Dec. 1972; and Alfred O. C. Nier to Soffen, 22 Dec.
- 49. Michael H. Carr to
Soffen, 26 Dec. 1972.
- 50. Richard W.
Shorthill to Soffen, 5 Jan 1972; Seymour L. Hess to Soffen, 13
Feb. 1973; and Hess to Soffen, 22 Dec. 1972.
- 51. Harold P. Klein to
Soffen, 9 Jan. 1973.
- 52. Mutch to Soffen, 10
Jan. 1973.
- 53. Robert B. Hargraves
to Soffen, 10 Jan. 1973; Hugh H. Kieffer to Soffen, 10 Jan. 1973;
Kieffer to Young, 11 Jan. 1973; C. Barney Farmer to Soffen, 11
Jan. 1973; and Klaus Biemann to Soffen, 12 Jan. 1973.
- 54. Sagan to Young, 12
Jan. 1973; and Sagan to Martin, 3 Feb. 1973.
- 55. VPO, "Minutes,
Viking 75 Project Landing Site Working Group Meeting at Langley
Research Center," 8 Feb. 1973; and Soffen and Young to Science
Steering Group and Landing Site Working Group, "Viking Landing
Sites,'' 12 Feb. 1973.
- 56. Naugle to Fletcher,
"Viking Landing Sites in Polar Latitudes," 1973; and Naugle to
Fletcher, "Viking Landing Sites in Polar Latitude," 7 Mar.
- 57. Naugle to Fletcher,
"Viking Landing Sites in Polar Latitudes" [6 March 1973].
- 58. VPO, "Minutes,
Viking 75 Project Landing Site Working Group Meeting at Langley
Research Center," 2-3 Apr. 1973.
- 59. Wolf V. Vishniac to
Lederberg, 1 Mar. 1973. Discussion of water, biology, and
temperature can be followed in: Leighton, "The Richtmyer Memorial
Lecture: A Physicist Looks at Mars," American Journal of Physics
40 (Nov. 1972): 1569-75; Sagan to Farmer, 13 Feb. 1973; Michael C.
Malin to Soffen, 20 Feb.1973; Soffen, "AdHoc Meeting on February
28, 1973,"TWX, 21 Feb.1973;Conway B. Leovy to Farmer, 22 Feb.
1973; Sagan to Farmer, 26 Feb.1973; Masursky, "Statement of
Mariner 9 Volatiles Working Group on the Probable Distribution of
Liquid Water on Mars," craft, 27 Feb. 1973; Lederberg to Sagan, 2
Mar.1973; Leslie E. Orgel to Soffen, 5 Mar.1973; Lederberg to
Farmer, 6 Mar. 1973; Klein to Walter Jakobowski, 8 Mar. 1973;
Leovy, "Exchange of Water Vapor between the Atmosphere and Surface
of Mars," Icarus 18 ( 1973): 120-25; Lederberg to Klein, 12 Mar.
1972; Mutch to Soffen, 4 Apr. 1973; and Norman L. Crabill to
Young, "Viking 75 Mission B Site Selection Process," 6 Apr.
- 60. NASA, "News
Conference on Mariner 9," news release. 2 Feb. 1972, p. 29.
- 61. Lederberg to Klein,
12 Mar. 1973; VPO, "Minutes, Landing Site Working Group," 2-3 Apr.
1973; and Soffen to Martin, ''Landing Site Recommendation,''3 Apr.
- 62. Young interview by
Ezell, 9 Sept. 1976.
- 63. Masursky telephone
interview by Ezell, 15 Nov. 1976.
- 64. NASA, "News
Conference on Viking Landing Site Selection," news release, 7 May
1973, and "Viking Landing Sites," news release 73-91, 2 May 1973.
Press reactions included: Marvin Miles," 1st Viking Spacecraft
Targeted to Land on Mars July 4, 1976," Los Angeles Times, 8 May
1973; Harold M. Schmeck, Jr., "2 Mars Sites Chosen for Unmanned
Landings in '76," New York Times, 8 May 1973; and Vern Haugland,
"Mars Probe Aims at Canyon Mouth," Washington Post, 8 May