On Mars:
Exploration of the Red Planet. 1958-1978
- 1. John D.Goodlette,
''Challenge, of the Viking Mars Lander system. "in Proceedings of
the Twelfth Space Congress: Technology Today and Tomorrow (Cocoa
Beach, Fla.: Canaveral Council of Technical Societies. 1975), p.
6-3. Unless otherwise noted, the first part of this chapter is
based on this article.
- 2. James S. Martin to
Henry Norris, "Viking Top Ten Problems." 4 May 1970; identical
letters were also sent to John J. Paulson and Albert J. Kullas.
See also Harper Vari Ness to Edgar M. Cortright and Oran W. Nicks,
"Viking Project 'Highlights' Report, Week of December 14, 1970,"
21 Dec. 1970; Van Ness, "Procedures for- 'Statusizing' Viking
Project Top Ten Problems," memo, 3 Aug.1971: Langley Research
Ctr., Viking Project Office (hereafter VPO), "Viking Top Ten
Problems," Viking Project Directive 7,4 Oct. 1971; and Martin to
Contrite, "Viking Top Ten Problems," 20 Apr. 1972.
- 3. Contrite to John E.
Naugle, 18 Jan. 1973, with encls. describing problems and
suggested materials for letters; Cortright to Naugle, 6 Feb. 1973;
and James C. Fletcher to George A. Roberts, 2 Feb. 1973; similar
letters were sent by Fletcher to Russell D. O'Neal, Hudson Drake,
Harry J. Gray, Barry J. Shillito, Stephen F. Keating, and Frauldin
A. Lindsay.
- 4. Gray to Fletcher, 14
Feb. 1973; O'Neal to Fletcher, 19 Feb. 1973; Fletcher to O'Neal, 8
Mar. 1973; Lindsay to Fletcher, TWX, 6 Mar. 1973; Frank J. Madden
to Cortright, 20 Mar. 1973; Fletcher to Lindsay, 4 Apr. 1973:
Fletcher to Roberts, 16 Mar. 1973; Roberts to Fletcher, 10 and 27
Apr. 1973; Shillito to Fletcher, 2 Mar. and 17May 1973; Martin to
Shillito, 20 Aug.1973;Fletcher to Charles B. Thornton, 7 Mar.
1973; Thornton to Fletcher, 15 Mar. 1973; and Fred W. O'Green to
Fletcher, 17 Apr. 1973.
- 5. [VPO], "Development
History of the Viking Lander Computer," 26 Nov. 1974.
- 6. Fletcher to John W.
Anderson, 8 Mar. 1973.
- 7. Anderson to Fletcher,
22 Mar 1973: George M. Low to Anderson. 9 Apr. 1973; Martin to
Cortright GCSC Computer Development at Honeywell," 16 Aug. 1973;
Sherwood L. Butler to Nolan I. Jones." Guidance and Control and
Sequencing Computer (GCSC)," 3 Oct. 1973; and Honeywell," 16 Aug.
1973; Sherwood L. Butler to Nolan I. Jones, (Guidance and Control
and Sequencing Computer (GCSC)," 3 Oct.1973; Martin to Walter O.
Lowrie, Computer ( C.CSC:) Contingency Plans, " 16 Oct.1973; Low
to Fletcher, "Status of the Viking Lander Computer." 29 Jan. 1974;
Robert S. Kraemer to Low and Noel W. Hinners, "Status of the
Viking Lander Computer," 29 July 1974 Hinners to Low, "Status of
the Viking Lander Computer," 29 July 1974; Hinners to Low, "Status
of the Viking Lander Computer," 14 Aug. 1974.
- 8. [VPO], '' Development
History of the Viking Lander Computer," 26 Nov. 1974.
- 9. Cortright to Lou, 30
Oct. 1973.
- 10. [VPO], "Development
History of the Viking Lander Computer," 26 Nov. 1974.
- 11. Lowrie to Martin,
"Computer," datafax, 15 Jan. 1975.
- 12. Unless otherwise
noted, this section is based on Henry Caruss, "Testing the Viking
Lander," Environmental sciences 20 (Mar.-Apr. 1977): 11-17.
- 13. Stanley Barrett,
"The Development of Sine Wave Vibration Test Requirements for
Viking Lander Capsule Components," in Institute of Environmental
Sciences, comp., Cost Effectiveness in the Environment Sciences:
Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Meeting (Mount Prospect, Ill.,
1974), pp. 77-82; and R. E. Snyder et al., "Specification and
Correlation of the Sine Vibration for Viking 75,'' paper. Society
of Automotive Engineers, National Aerospace Engineering and
Manufacturing Meeting, San Diego, 1-3 Oct. 1974.
- 14. A. F. Leondis,
"Viking Dynamic Simulator Vibration Testing and Analysis
Modeling." Shock and Vibration Bulletin, no 45, pt. 3, n.d., pp.
103-13; and H.N. McGregor, "Simulation of Viking Spacecraft
Acoustic Environment,'' in Cost Effectiveness in the Environmental
Sciences, pp. 183-85.
- 15. Stanley Barrett,
"The Development of Pyro Shock Test Requirements for Viking Lander
Capsule Components," in Institute of Environmental Sciences,
comp., Proceedings, 21st Annual Technical Meeting 2 (Mount
Prospect, Ill., 1975): 5-10.
- 16. R. P. Parrish, Jr.,
"Performance and Operating Characteristics of a 4.48-M Diameter
Solar Simulator for Viking Space Simulation Tests," Goddard Space
Flight Center, comp., 8th Conference on Space Simulators
(Greenbelt, Md., 1975) .pp.409-17:T. Buna. "Special Techniques the
Viking Lander capsule Thermal Vacuum Test Program," in 8th
Conference on Space Simulators, pp. 419-33; T. R. Tracey, Theodore
F. Morey, and David N. Gorman. "Thermal Design of the Viking
Lander Capsule." paper, AIAA 12th Aerospace .Sciences Meeting.
Washington, D.C., 30 Jan.-l Feb. 1974; Tracey. To Buna, ''Thermal
Testing the Viking Capsule System,'' paper, Intersociety
Conference on Environmental Systems. 29 July-1 Aug. 1974 (place
not known); Morey and Gorman, "Development of the Viking Mars
Lander Thermal Control Subsystem Design," paper, AIAA and ASME
Thermophysics .and ASME Thermophysics and Heat Transfer
Conference, Boston, 15-17 July 1974: Buna and T. C. Shupert.
''Cost Effectiveness as Applied to The Viking Lander Systtols
-Level Thermal Development Test Program,'' in Effectiveness in the
Environmental Sciences pp 133-37:and Gorman and Morey, Thermal
Design, Analysis, and Testing of a Full-Size Planetary Lander
Model," paper, AIAA Thermophysics Conference, San Francisco, 16-18
June 1989.
- 17. NASA, ''Viking
Parachute Tests Scheduled," news release 72-118, 8 June 1973:
"Balloon Launching Delayed,'' New York Times, 11 June 1973; NASA
White Sands Test Facility, "NASA News'' new release, 26 July 1972;
Buna and H. H. Battley, "Thermal Design and Performance of the
Viking Balloon-Launched Decelerator Test Vehicle (BLDTV).'' paper.
AIAA and ASME Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference. Boston,
15-17 July 1974: James L. Raper, Frederick C. Michel, and Reginald
R. Lundstrom, "The Viking Parachute Qualification Test Technique,"
paper, AIAA Fourth Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Conference,
Palm Springs, 21-23 May 1973; Sy Steinberg et al., "Development of
the Viking Parachute Configuration by Wind Tunnel Investigation,"
idem; N. N. Murrow, "Development Flight Tests of the Viking
Decelerator System." idem Richard D. Moog et al., "Qualification
Flight Tests of the Viking Decelerator System," idem; Clarence L.
Gillis, "The Viking Decelerator System-An Overview," idem: and
Jesse D. Timmons, ''Viking Balloon Launched Decelerator Tests,"
IAF paper 76-155, 27th International Astronautical Federation,
Anaheim, Calif., 10-16 Oct. 1976.
- 18. Buna and J. R.
Ratliff, "Operation of a Large Thermal Vacuum Chamber at Martian
Pressure Levels," in J. C. Richmond, ea., Space Simulation:
Proceedings of a Conference Held at NBS, Gaithersburg, Maryland,
September 14-16, 1970, National Bureau of Standards Special
Publication 336 (Washington, 1970), pp. 725-48; and Buna, "Thermal
Testing under Simulated Martian Environment," paper, AIAA Third
Thermophysics Conference, Los Angeles, 24-26 June 1968.
- 19. Frank W. McCabe to
David B. Ahearn. Contract NAS1-9000, End-to-End Systems Level
Science Testing,'' 18 Oct. 1973; Arlen F. Carter, "Science
'End-to-End' Testing (SEET) Objectives, Requirements, and Success
Criteria,'' memo, 21 Jan 1974, with draft, "Science End-to-End
Test Objectives,'' 17 Jan. 1974; and Carter, "Science End-to-End
Testing (SEET). Test Requirements Outline,'' memo. 24 Jan 1974,
with encl.
- 20. Craig Covault,
"Mars Lander Proof Vehicle Passes Tests," Aviation Week &
Space Technology 101 (4 Nov. 1974): 44-46.
- 21. VPO. ''Viking
Science End to End Test (SEET) Bulletin No. I," 26 Aug.1974;
No.3,6 Sept. 1974; No. 6.16 Sept. 1974; No. 7,17 Sept. 1974; No.
8,18 Sept. 1974; No. 9, 19 Sept. 1974; No. 10, 20 Sept. 1974; No.
11, 22 Sept. 1974; and No. 13, 24 Sept. 1974.
- 22. Welcome W. Bender
to Gerald A Soffen, 26 0ct. 1971; "Summary Minutes: Ad HOC
Subcommittee to Evaluate Viking Inorganic Instruments-The Alpha
Backscaner (ABS) and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Spectrometer," 4
Jan. 1972; Kraemer to Naugle, Viking Science Payload Changes,'' 14
Mar. 1972; Naugle to Anthony L. Turkevich, 17 Mar. 1972; Stephen
E. Dwornik to Walter Jakobowski, ''Viking Inorganic Analysis
Experiment,''4 Apr. 1972; Fletcher to Turkovich, 11 May 1972; and
Naugle to Fletcher, "Inorganic Analysis Experiment for Viking,'' 8
May 1972.
- 23. Priestley Toulmin
III to Soffen, 9 Sept. 1974.
- 24. Toulmin to Martin,
7 Oct. 1974.
- 25. G. Calvin Broome to
Martin, "Considerations relative to Post-Launch End to End Biology
Test on PTC Lander," 30 June 1975; VPO, "Viking Science End to End
Test (SEET) Bulletin No. 15," 9 Oct. 1974; Carter to Soffen,
"Preparation of the Unknown Sample for GCMS Analysis during
Biology Performance Verification Test." 7 Feb. 1975; VPO, "Viking
BIO PV/GCMS End to End Test Bulletin No. 1," 12 Feb. 1975; No. 3,
19 Feb. 1975; and No. 4, 27 Feb. 1975.
- 26. H. E. Adelson et
al., "The Viking Lander Biology Instrument," TRW report
21020-6003-RU-00, Aug. 1975, pp. II-1 to II-3.
- 27. Carter to Harold P.
Klein [29 Sept. 1975]; and Martin to Hinners, 7 Oct. 1975.
- 28. Klein to Martin, 17
Nov. 1975; and Jakobowski to Hinners," Viking Biology Instrument
Testing Program," 1 Dec. 1975.
- 29. Martin to Klein, 9
Dec. 1975.
- 30. Martin to Hinners,
"Closure of All Open Items relative to Further Prelanding Biology
Testing," 9 Dec. 1975; and Hinners to Naugle, "Viking Biology
Testing.'' 30 Dec. 1975.
- 31. NASA, "NASA
Reorganization and Key Personnel Appointments," special
announcement.5 Mar. 1974; and NASA, ''Naugle Named Associate
Administrator at NASA," news release, 75-297, 21 Nov. 1975.
- 32. VPO, "Monthly
Financial Report, January/February/March" 3 Apr. 1974.
- 33. Rocco A. Petrone to
Hinners," Viking Management Plan," 16 Oct. 1974;VPO, Viking
Project Cost Status Presentation to Dr. Rocco A. Petrone,
Associate Administrator, 23 May 1974; VPO, "Viking Project Cost
Status Presentation, September 5, 1974, to Dr. Noel W. Hinners,
Associate Administrator for Office of Space Science," 5 Sept.
1974; and VPO, "Viking Project Program Plan and Cost Management
Presentation. October 22, 1974, to Dr. Noel W. Hinners, Associate
Administrator for Office of Space Science," 22 Oct. 1974;
- 34. Langley Research
Center, "New Directorate NASA Langley," newsrelease 75-l9, 11 July
1975 and NASA, ''Appointment of New Director of JPL,"
announcement, key personnel change, 23 June, 1975.
- 35. House Committee on
Science and Astronautics, Viking Project, hearings before
Subcommittee on Space Science and Applications, 93d Cong., 2d
sess. (henceforth 93/2), 1974, passim.
- 36. VPO, "Minutes of
the Viking Science Steering Group Meeting, " 7 Oct.1974; Hinners
to Cortright, "Viking Budget Guidelines." 3 Oct. 1974; and Covault
"Orbiter, Backup Lander Cut from Viking," Aviation Week &
Space Technology 101 (28 Oct. 1974): 18-19.
- 37. VPO, ''Mission
Operations Status Bulletin, " no. 3, 25 Apr. 1975; and Hinners to
Jakobowski, 17 Sept. 1974,
- 38. VPO, 'Mission
Operations Status Bulletin," no. 4, 9 May 1975.
- 39. VPO, ''Mission
Operations Status Bulletin," no.5, 26 May 1975; and W. R. Durrett,
"Lightning-Apollo to Shuttle....Case Histories and Spacecraft
Protection," in Canaveral Council of Technical Societies, comp.,
Technology for the New Horizon: Proceedings of the Thirteenth
Space Congress, Cocoa Beach, Florida, April 7-9, 1976 (Cocoa
Beach, 1976), pp. 4-27 to 4-32.
- 40. "Mission Operations
Status Bulletin," no. 9, 29 July 1975.