On Mars:
Exploration of the Red Planet. 1958-1978
- [284] Besides considering the imaging
system and discussing desired landing site characteristics at its
October 1970 meeting, the landing site working group also
considered what it could gain from Mariner 71. Dan Schneiderman
introduced the group to the Mariner project, and Edwin Pounder
reviewed mission operations plans for both the prime 90-day
mission and the extended mission (for the remainder of the first
year in Mars orbit). Pounder went on to outline problems and
promises of the project, one of the promises being data that would
assist the Viking team in landing site selection. Patrick J. Rygh
and Robert H. Steinbacher briefed the working group on mission
operations and participation by scientists.
- In turn, Hal Masursky and Carl Sagan told
the Mariner specialists what the Viking team hoped to learn from
Mariner 71. What they wanted was not in the written mission plans
but was rather, How do we learn as we go along and then modify our
plans accordingly? In NASA shorthand, this tactic was called the
adaptive mode-acquiring data from a spacecraft and quickly using
it to modify the mission. The Viking team was certain it would
need this skill, and it would require discipline, planning, and
timely responsiveness to succeed. In the plans for Mariner 71,
data processing was not scheduled to catch up with acquisition for
a year, and Masursky feared that unless adequately supported, the
complete process could take 5 to 10 years, which was obviously too
slow to be of value to Viking. Years of work had to be compressed
into weeks. On occasion, time for data processing would have to be
whittled down to days and even hours.12
- At its next meeting, 2-3 December 1970,
the landing site working group made its initial recommendation for
landing sites, so that Howard Robins' mission planning staff could
proceed with its work. These proposed [285] sites had been chosen
after only four months. Carl Sagan, who had been urging that the
site selection process be completely documented, prepared a
convenient summary of the thinking-as he saw it-that went into the
choices. "The following is a preliminary attempt to integrate
coherently a range of ideas which have been suggested on the
Viking landing site question, to point out inadequacies in the
existing data and to serve as guide for future discussion." He
noted that the "present cycle of discussion on landing site
selection is to aid development of the Viking Project Reference
Mission #1," a theoretical model that would be used in planning
mission operations and designing the spacecraft. Since in some
respects this was a training exercise. there was no commitment to
the specific landing sites they had selected.
- In considering landing sites for the two
Vikings, some factors would be certain to change. But those that
would likely remain unaltered fell into two categories,
engineering and scientific. Under the engineering heading, the 30ƒ
south to 30ƒ north latitude range for landing sites was dictated
by the angle at which the spacecraft would have to enter the
Martian atmosphere to obtain optimum aerodynamic deceleration and
proper thermal conditions. Second, nearly all of the working group
members agreed that the lander should sit down where atmospheric
pressures were the highest. As on Earth, high pressure corresponds
with lower elevation, but whereas sea level pressure on Earth
averages about 1013 millibars, surface pressures on Mars are 100
times lower. Pressure at the lowest elevation was believed to be
close to 10 millibars and at the top of mountains less than l
millibar but the uncertainty in these values was 20 or 30 percent
at the time. The Viking scientists hoped that Mariner photographs
and ground-based radar studies would give them more exact
information on atmospheric pressure relative to topographical
features. A third engineering concern was the effect that Martian
surface winds would have on the spacecraft. The Mars engineering
model with which the team was working predicted winds of less than
90 meters per second, but Sagan noted that newer calculations
indicated the possibility of winds up to 140 to 200 meters per
- If such winds are encountered during
landing maneuvers, the survivability of the spacecraft is very
much in question; and such winds, even after a safe landing, might
provide various engineering embarrassments. It will shortly be
possible to predict which times and places are to be avoided.ŠSuch
considerations obviously require further theoretical study and
(with Mariner Mars '71) observational study. But they do indicate
how new parameters, not previously considered, can severely impact
landing site choices. Such considerations imply that any landing
site selected at the present time should not be too firmly
imbedded in the Project's thinking. 13
- Other technical factors affecting the
choice of a landing spot included the time of day on Mars at
touchdown, the size of the landing target, and a pair strategy
calling for one very safe (but perhaps less interesting) site and
[286] one of greater scientific potential. Depending in part on
progress made in developing the lander tape recorder. Sagan
thought that it might be desirable to land in the late afternoon
to ensure that some lander images of the planet would be
transmitted to the orbiter before it passed out of view of the
lander, giving the team at the Jet Propulsion Lab maximum
assurance of obtaining at least some initial pictures of the
surface. They had to face the possibility that the lander could
die while the orbiter continued on its way around Mars; it would
be 24.6 hours before the orbiter passed over the lander a second
time. Should a late afternoon touchdown be called for, those areas
with dense cloud development at the time of day would have to be
excluded. Turning to the target, or landing ellipse, Sagan
indicated that it was currently 400 by 840 kilometers, which would
eliminate areas appreciably smaller than this zone. The pair
strategy had been devised for reasons of "survivability." One
landing site would be selected with "safety considerations weighed
very highly"; One landing site would be selected with "safety
considerations weighed very highly''; if the first mission failed
on entry, the team would want to have a preselected, extremely
safe site for the second lander. "It is therefore necessary to
consider some sites almost exclusively on engineering grounds."
Sagan hoped planners could "back off from this requirement a
little bit and seek out safe contingency sites with at least
acceptable science.'' Alan Binder had made this same point earlier
but somewhat more bluntly: "The engineering criteria must reign
since it hardly need be mentioned that a crashed lander is not
very useful even if it did crash in the most interesting part of
the planet." 14 Sagan wrote, ''Before any Viking lander is
committed to a given site, there must be reasonably extensive
Mariner Mars '71 type data, including but not restricted to
imagery." He thought that selection of alternative candidate sites
should be based on Mariner 71 data, and certification of the
various candidates should be based on Viking data, which would be
of higher resolution.
- Sagan's report then turned to the working
group consensus on science criteria for the landing sites. Many
members believed it would be useful to pair the first two landing
sites in such a manner that each one would be a control for the
measurements made at its companion location. A reason for varying
from this plan would be positive results from the biology
experiment on the first lander; then the Viking team might wish to
land the second craft as near the first one as possible to
determine if the results could be duplicated. The best guess at
the time was that Martian life, "or at least that subset of
Martian life which the Viking biology package is likely to
detect,'' would be found where there was water near the surface.
But there was still considerable debate about the nature and
amount of water that might be found. Low atmospheric pressures and
temperatures always below 0°C did not augur well for the
presence of liquid water. Still, Sagan and others believed that it
was possible to have life-sustaining water present in other
- The uncratered terrain observed in the
Mariner 4 photographs was of possible interest. Sagan
hypothesized that such terrain must have been [287] recently (in
geological terms) reworked. "Whatever the cause of the reworking,
but particularly if it is due to tectonic activity, such locales
are much more likely a priori
to have had recent outgassing
events and therefore to be of both geological and biological
interest." Taking into consideration all these factors, Sagan
listed his six favorite landing spots, but several of his
colleagues came up with other suggestions of their own.
- After considerable freewheeling debate of
the kind that characterized many of the working group's meetings,
the group recommended three sites for each lander. It wanted to
find water and it wanted to land one craft in the north and one in
the south. The mission planners indicated that it would be best to
land the first Viking in the northern latitude, or during the
Martian summer. Immediately following the working group sessions,
the mission analysis and design team subjected the six candidate
sites to a preliminary examination, and its first quick look
revealed no apparent difficulties. On 7 December, Jim Martin
directed Martin Marietta to proceed with the design of the two
Viking missions using Toth-Nepenthes (15°N, 275°)
* for the touchdown area of the first lander and
Hellas (30°S, 300°) for the second craft.
- Early in February, Dan Schneiderman and
Jim Martin signed a "Memorandum of Agreement for Viking
Participation in Mariner '71 Operations." Two areas were
identified for direct Viking participation-mission operations and
scientific-data analysis. Viking personnel would work as part of
the Mariner team. The Viking data analysis group would be housed
in the Science Team Analysis Facility at JPL, and a Viking
representative would act as an observer at the Mariner science
recommendation team meetings, watching the interplay between the
science advisers and the mission operations personnel.
- The Viking landing site working group did
not meet again until April 1971. Meanwhile, the mission planners
and the Martin Marietta Corporation evolved the "Mission Design
Requirements Objectives and Constraints Document," which outlined
for the first time in detail how the two missions would be
conducted from launch through operation of the science experiments
on Mars. Members of the landing site team and the Science Steering
Group met in joint session on the afternoon of 21 April to discuss
that document and mission planning in general, but earlier that
day the landing site team had considered at length its
participation in the Mariner 71 operations.
- Tom Young opened the morning session,
noting that Robert A. Schmitz would serve as manager of the
Viking-Mariner Mars 1971 participation group. His duties included
overseeing the Viking data analysis team, which would examine
areas related to proposed Viking landing areas. This team would be
drawn from two groups of scientists, those who would be working as
part of the Mariner 71 operations team-Geoffrey [288] Briggs.
Michael Carr, Hugh Kieffer, Conway Leovy, Hal Masursky, and Carl
Sagan-and part-time participants from the Viking team.
** Schmitz also was to act as the Viking observer on
the Mariner 71 science recommendation team, which would give him a
much broader understanding of the entire Mariner project.
- Hal Masurksy raised two problem issues in
data management for Mariner 71, computer data processing and
preparing Mars maps. The flow of data from the Mariner spacecraft
would be so rapid that only one-fourth to one-third of the
information could be processed in real time or near real time by
the Mariner 71 system. At that rate, Masursky predicted it would
take 18 months to get a complete set of reduced data records. a
serious lag for Viking planners who wanted to use this information
to land their spacecraft. And to prepare maps from Mariner 71
photography, stereo -plotters and computers for analytical
cartography, as well as more experienced cartographers, must be
brought in. The photogeologist noted that these problems would be
discussed with the JPL Mariner people later in the month. But at
Carl Sagan's request, these issues were raised that afternoon at a
joint session with the Science Steering Group. The advisory body
agreed that modest expenditures of Viking funds would be justified
if supporting Mariner 71 data processing would contribute to the
success of Viking. Masursky would prepare a letter to Jim Martin
that clearly defined items that needed support and justifications
for using Viking funds. 18
* Longitude on
Mars is always determined in a westerly direction, 0-360°.
For more on Martin place names, see T.L. Macdonald, "The Origins
of Martian Nomenclature," Icarus 15 (1971); 233-40.
- ** C. Snyder,
T. Mutch, D. Anderson, W. Baum, A. Binder, B. Farmer, R. Hutton,
J. Lederberg, H. Moore, T. Owen, R. Scott, J. Shaw, and R.