On Mars:
Exploration of the Red Planet. 1958-1978
- [142] Since the winter of 1967,
Administrator Webb and others at NASA Headquarters had been
generating support for a post-Voyager planetary program from two
groups-the Space Science Board of the Academy of Sciences; and the
Lunar and Planetary Missions Board, an internal NASA advisory
board. The Space Science Board provided high-level endorsement and
advocacy for continued planetary exploration, and the Lunar and
Planetary Missions Board gave the agency more detailed scrutiny of
its planning, especially as it affected the selection of
scientific experiments. [143] From both, NASA managers sought
support that would help counter the budget-cutting proclivities of
- Space Science Board,
- Harry Hess, chairman of the Space Science
Board, wrote Jim Webb in November 1967 after a briefing on the
planetary program by John Naugle "... the Space Science Board met
last week and . . . expressed its deep concern over the weakness
of the whole NASA science program and the planetary program in
particular." Reductions in the NASA budget had led to greater cuts
in money for space science, which in turn meant "a loss of some 50
to 75 percent in terms of effective research results." Hess was
writing Webb at this particular time because the Space Science
Board wanted to have an influence on the agency's planning
process. At a time when NASA was cutting back its planetary
launches, it was "fairly evident that the Soviets [would] have
flights to Mars and Venus at every opportunity as they have had
for the last few years. And as the 1967 Venera 4 mission to
Venus had demonstrated, "these are apt to be successes."
* The Soviet Union had a "highly successful planetary
lander" and, as Hess reminded Webb, "we don't even have one
planned in the period to 1975." Unmanned planetary exploration was
apparently going to be one of the major USSR space endeavors, and
"great discoveries in this area can only be made once. Shall
succeeding generations look back on the early 1970's as the great
era of Soviet achievement while we did not accept the challenge?"
- Hess and his colleagues did not wish to
see the U.S. fall behind the Soviet Union. They recommended
increased space science activities and a reduction of manned
projects like the orbital workshop of the Apollo Applications
Program. A planetary science program should take precedence over
other NASA activities. These themes were repeated in December
1967, with emphasis on the newly created Mariner and Titan-class
Mars spacecraft. While differing in details-the board favored more
Venus research-the Space Science Board proposals were basically
supportive of NASA's wishes to maintain a planetary exploration
program. 44
- The Space Science Board pursued its
recommendations with a week-long summer study in June 1968 and
published its findings under the title Planetary ExpIoration 1968-1975 (see appendix D). 45 While helpful in that they pushed for more
planetary missions, the board's proposals were also
[144] somewhat detrimental, since they did not coincide
exactly with the agency's announced goals. In times of extreme
congressional scrutiny, Webb and his colleagues at NASA would
prefer more closely orchestrated advice. Another source of advice
was the Lunar and Planetary Missions Board.
- Lunar and Planetary Missions Board,
- To overcome the shortcomings of the
President's Science Advisory Committee and the Space Science
Board, the Lunar and Planetary Missions Board was established in
1967 to provide NASA with detailed critiques of its proposed
missions from a scientist's point of view. But even quasi-internal
criticism was sometimes difficult to accept. As the space agency
was to learn, scientists tended to be of an independent mind, and
their comments often cut more deeply than Webb and his associates
would have liked. In fact, this particular group had grown out of
a need to resolve conflicts between the space agency and outside
- In January 1966, Webb had invited Norman
F. Ramsey, professor of physics at Harvard, to form a panel to
investigate NASA's relations with the larger scientific community.
The administrator wanted advice on several quite specific issues:
evaluation of the Space Science Board's 1965 summer study
recommendations on an Automated Biological Laboratories Program,
suggestions for a post-Apollo lunar exploration program, and
comments on a National Space Astronomy Observatory. Webb was also
interested in determining how he might increase scientific
participation, confidence, and support for the American space
program. As he expressed it to Ramsey, "We in NASA think it is
essential that competent scientists at academic institutions
participate fully in the next generation of space projects and we
believe that we will need new policies and procedures and perhaps
new organizational arrangements in order to enable them to
participate." 46
- Ramsey's panel responded in August with a
series of proposals that would have profoundly altered the
organizational structure of the space agency. The scientists were
particularly critical of what they saw as NASA's emphasis on
engineering at the expense of basic scientific research, citing
the "overriding priority of engineering problems associated with
launch schedules,'' which interfered with academic experimenters'
control over their payload design. More attention needed to be
given to purely scientific concerns: "The time is surely here when
we must define maximum success in terms not only of 'getting
there' but in terms of scientific accomplishment." Now that the
space program had "matured," Ramsey's panel believed that major
organizational changes were necessary. Reviving the idea of a
general advisory council of scientists to help formulate NASA
policy, the group also wanted to reorganize the field centers to
give experimenters a greater voice and create a Planetary and
Lunar Missions Board that would advise NASA on future Apollo
flights and post-Apollo goals. 47
- [145] Jim Webb did not take kindly to
most of these recommendations. and at an oral presentation of
their suggestions he asked the scientists if they understood the
real world of Washington politics. Did they realize that NASA was
just a part of a larger governmental. economic, social system and
as such could not yield to their demands? NASA's official
response, drafted by Homer Newell, was made public about a year
later, in June 1967. In a point-by-point critique of the Ramsey
report, the agency rejected nearly all of the proposals. A general
advisory council was out of the question; certain functions "must
clearly . . . remain the responsibility of the Administrator." A
permanent advisory body would "blur the lines of authority within
the agency." Only the missions board recommendation was accepted,
and it was diluted considerably." 48
- Tentatively approved by NASA before the
publication of the Ramsey report, the missions board would, in
Webb's mind, be a full-time working organization rather than a
part-time group of advisers. Each member would be expected to
fight for his ideas in a competitive arena instead of
pontificating from the cathedral. The term of membership would be
limited. By the spring of 1967, the Lunar and Planetary Missions
Board, with carefully delineated powers, was in operation. Acting
in only an advisory capacity, the board could make proposals to
NASA, but the agency reserved the right to reject or accept the
advice. The associate administrator for space science and
applications, Newell and later Naugle, provided the funds for the
board's operations and drew up the questions it was to address
itself to. Quite clearly, the administration of NASA did not want
the missions board to grow into a general advisory council.
- Within this restricted framework, the
board had reasonable freedom NASA granted its members access to
internal agency documents, a privilege that the Space Science
Board had been denied, and members were permitted to attend major
NASA reviews and coordination meetings related to lunar and
planetary exploration. Unlike earlier advisory bodies, the Lunar
and Planetary Missions Board was asked to evaluate both general
and specific objectives. Therefore, it would not only review the
"general strategy for manned and unmanned" missions as the
President's Advisory Committee and the Space Science Board had
done, but also participate "in the formulation of guidelines and
specific recommendations fur the design of missions and for the
scientific payloads to be carried on these missions."
- Of the 18 original members
** most were familiar faces to NASA's planetary
specialists. Twelve were members of the National Academy of
Sciences, five were on the Space Science Board, one served on the
President's Science Advisory Committee, and four had been on the
Ramsey panel. Of the academic scientists, all were full
professors, and two were department [146] chairmen. Of the
nonacademic, two were administrators of research institutes, and
the third was vice president of an aerospace corporation. These
established professionals were charged with widening NASA's
contacts with the scientific community. 50
- Although the missions board never proposed
a single comprehensive plan for space exploration, its members did
try to bring greater cohesion to NASA's efforts. They wished to
avoid a series of disconnected projects; their goal was an orderly
exploration of the solar system. They wanted to balance lunar and
planetary projects so that one mission would not be pursued or
funded at the expense of another. Achieving such goals was at best
difficult. As scientists, they favored projects that emphasized
science, flexibility in experiment planning, and year-to-year
funding of research rather than mission-to-mission budgeting. They
also wanted a continuing voice in experiment development, and they
fought against one particular attitude prevalent in NASA centers:
"Tell us what the experiment is to do, and we will build it, fly
it, and deliver the data to the experimenter after it has been
collected." As a committee headed by Wolf Vishniac reported in
July 1967, "It must be recognized that a proposal of an experiment
can no longer remain a one-way street....A continuing dialogue and
profound involvement of the scientist with NASA centers is
required." According to the scientists, engineers responsible for
overseeing instrument development must recognize that they must
obtain the scientist's approval at each stage of design,
development, and fabrication and his consent for changes.
51 A major recurring theme in the mission board's
reports and recommendations was the primacy of purely scientific
considerations. The board, in insisting that its recommendations
be followed without deviation, failed to acknowledge the realities
of the political context in which NASA operated: scientists were
but one of many constituents to whom the space agency had to
- When President Johnson and Congress
dropped their support of the Voyager missions in 1967, the board
was, of course, dismayed, but it supported NASA's attempts to pick
up the pieces and create a new approach to planetary exploration.
52 Unfortunately, the debate over what would replace
Voyager gave way to friction among the mission board members and
ultimately between the board and NASA. At the heart of the dispute
was Administrator Webb's rejection of the board's alternative
planetary program. Dollar, manpower, and facility limitations
would just not permit it. Several members of the board, Wolf
Vishniac, Gordon J. F. MacDonald, and Lester Lees among them,
believed that their leader, John W. Findlay, had yielded to
pressure from NASA to water down their recommendations. When the
board's ideal, balanced, coherent planetary program clashed with
dollar realities, the dream was shattered and the cordial
relationship with the space agency was bruised. Many scientists
regarded this affair as additional evidence that NASA still
maintained its old attitude toward advisory groups-accept only
that advice that meets its needs. 53
- Although additional conflicts would surely
come up in the future turn, the Lunar and Planetary Missions Board
decided to resume normal operations in early 1968. Five working
groups were formed-the lunar, Mercury Venus, Mars, and Jupiter
panels. George C. Pimentel professor of chemistry at the
University of California at Berkeley directed the Mars group.
*** A series of comments was elicited from that group
during a familiarization briefing of Titan Mars 73 held at NASA
Headquarters on 24 May 1968. All members of the Mars panel agreed
that the lander was more important than the orbiter but that too
much emphasis was being given to relaying television pictures from
the landed craft. The main value of "lander imagery" was to define
the landing site, geologically and topographically. Television
could tell them what the terrain looked like and how the lander
was situated, but it was a supportive activity rather than a prime
experiment. The prime experiment, of course, was life detection,
but thus far NASA had not included any biological or biochemical
experiments in the science requirements for Titan Mars 73. Other
lander experiments the panel suggested included mass spectrometry
for determining atmospheric composition, x-ray fluorescent
examination of soil composition, and determination of subsurface
water vapor. The scientists agreed that meteorological experiments
should also be examined, and Wolf Vishniac reported that
lightweight (one-half-kilogram) life-detection instruments were
already available but that they all had the common shortcoming of
inadequate sample-gathering capabilities. Of additional concern to
the Mars panel, the members considered the question of landing
sites (preferably seasonally active ones), the evolution of
suitable orbiters, lander lifetime, and the possibility that the
Soviet Union would land a spacecraft on Mars in 1973 after sending
an atmospheric probe in l969. 54
- [147] After studying the topic for
the entire summer, the Mars panel delivered its report on the
scientific objectives for a 1973 Mars mission.
55 Building on the technical studies carried out at
Langley and JPL, the panel reaffirmed the importance of a lander
for the 1973 flight large enough to carry a meaningful complement
of experiments. The group recommended using the Titan IIID-Centaur
launch vehicle. Objectives of a lander-oriented mission should
include investigation of the Martian atmosphere and surface,
especially temperature and moisture variation and distribution
patterns and diurnal and seasonal changes in temperature and
moisture, since these factors would provide information that would
affect the possibility of life on the planet.
- Although the Mars panel favored including
an orbiter in the 1973 mission, a survivable lander was the more
important issue. A soft-lander was favored over a hard-lander if
the problem of contaminating the landing site by retrorockets
could be solved. A soft-lander would permit a wider range of
experiments, not just the [148] choice of the most robust
equipment. Foremost among experiments were life-detection devices.
"The lander should include an ensemble of complementing
experiments relevant to the possible existence of life on Mars,
since no single experiment is either completely definitive or
unambiguous.'' Coupled but dissimilar experiments would be one
satisfactory approach, such as a mass spectrometer that could
detect carbon-containing compounds and a life detector that could
search for signs of grossing organisms with a carbon base.
- In closing their report, the scientists
noted that "the current plans of the Langley team are in general
harmony with [our] recommendations and they have evolved in a
manner evidently responsive to earlier suggestions" by the panel
and the mission board. Jim Martin and his Langley team had worked
closely with the scientific community and for the time being their
effort had paid off with strong support for their plans for the
1973 mission. At the October 1968 meeting of the Lunar and
Planetary Missions Board, the Mars panel report was officially
approved with only minor alterations. The text big step was
defining the mission mode-direct or out-of-orbit entry;
hard-lander or soft-lander. 56
* Evaluations of Venera 4 were mixed. Entering the
atmosphere of Venus early on the morning of 18 October 1967, the
landing capsule touched in a purported soft landing about two
hours later. According to Soviet scientists, the atmosphere as
measured by the instruments was almost entirely CO2 with traces of
oxygen, water vapor, and no nitrogen. The temperature range was
from 40° to 280°C. Atmospheric pressure was 18 times
that on Earth. Venera 4 stopped transmitting data shortly after
landing. The Soviet information did not agree with evidence
provided by Mariner 5 or East-based radio astronomical
measurements. Venera 4 probably stopped transmitting at an
altitude of about 26 kilometers, as the surface pressure is more
on the order of 100 times that of Earth's and the temperature at
the surface is about 400°C. After a short time, the Soviet
stopped claiming that their spacecraft had actually landed on the
Venusian surface.
- ** J.W. Findlay.
Chairman, J.R. Arnold. A.F Donovan, V R. Eshleman, T Gold.C.
Goodman, J. S. Hall. H Hess. F. S. Johnson. J. Lederberg. L. Lees.
G.J. F. MacDonald. G.C. Pimentel, C.S. Pittendrigh, F. Press, E.M.
Shoemaker, J.A. Van Allen, and W.V. Vishniac.
- *** G.C. Pimentel,
chairman, J.S. Hall W. Vishniac, M.B. McElroy, J.R. Arnold, and L.
Lees made up the panel.