On Mars:
Exploration of the Red Planet. 1958-1978
- 1. Unless otherwise
noted, this section is based on James F. McNulty, "The Defining of
Mars Project Viking," unpublished typescript [ca. 1976], pp. 27
- 2. Ibid., p. 32.
- 3. Leonard Roberts,
''Entry into Planetary Atmospheres,'' Astronautics &
Aeronautics 2 (Oct. 1964): 22-29. Also see Roberts, "Probe and
Lander Design Problems," Proceedings of the Conference on the
Exploration of Mars and Venus, August 23-27, 1965, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute Engineering Extension Series Circular 5
(Blacksburg, Va., 1965), pp. xvi-1 to xvi-10. For background
information on studies related to Mars missions, see the following
Langley Working Papers (LWP): Lawrence D. GUY, "Tension-Shell
Configurations for Low-Density Entry Vehicles," LWP-51, 4 Nov.
1964; Perry A. Newman. "Tables of Thermodynamic Properties of the
Six Proposed Mars Atmospheres, VM-l to 6, " LWP 149, 14 Sept.
1965; William M. Adams, Jr., and J. W. Young, "Study of an
Unmanned Mars Mission Beginning with Separation of a Lunar Capsule
from a Fly-by Bus and Ending near the Surface of Mars,'' LWP-205.6
May 1966; Richard N. Green and John F. Newcomb, "A Parametric
Analysis of Orbital Geometry for Mars Voyager,'' LWP-248, 22 July
1966; Richard J. Bendura and Charles H. Whitlock. "A Dispersion
and Motion Analysis of the Balloon Launched Phase of the Planetary
Entry Parachute. Project,'' L.WP-290. 1 Oct. 1966; L. D. Guy and
M. S. Anderson, "Technology Programs in Supersonic Decelerators,"
LWP-307, Oct. 1966; staff, Flight Reentry Programs Off.. Langley
Research Ctr., "Guidelines for Phase B LRC Voyager Capsule Bus
Mission Mode Study,'' LWP-366, 15 Feb. 1967; Vernon L. Alley, Jr.,
and Raye C. Mathis, "An Analysis and Computing Program for
Three-body Parachute Deployment Dynamics with Specific
Applications to the PEPP (Balloon) Program," LWP-398, 20 April
1967; J. L. Humble and W. W. Fernald, Voyager, Mars Aerodynamic
Decelerator Trajectories," LWP-401, 25 April 1967; and Langley
Research Ctr. Inhouse Study Team, ''Voyager Capsule Bus System
Baseline and Mission Mode Description-1973 Mission on Saturn V,"
LWP-478, 28 Sept. 1967.
- 4. McNulty, "Defining
Project Viking," pp. 44-47, describes the details of the statement
of work.
- 5. "Voyager Components
Must Withstand 293F," Aviation Week & Space Technology 82 (26
April 1965): 100; Hal Taylor, "JPL to Manage Voyager Lander,"
Missiles and Rockets 16 (3 May 1965): 14; and "AVCO Will Perform
Two Separate Studies," Astronautics & Aeronautics 3 (June
1965): 108. Also see AVCO, Research and Development Div., "Mars
Probe Final Oral Presentation to Langley Research Center,Contract
No. NASI-5224," 1 March 1966, Viking Project Off. Files (VPOF).
Unless otherwise noted, letters, memos, telexes, and related
documents are from VPOF or Code SL chron. files.
- 6. McNulty, "Defining
Project Viking,'' p. 75.
- 7. Parachute deployments
at high speeds were tested using test vehicles launched by
balloons and Honest John-Nike rockets. The full-scale tests lifted
a 4.6-meter simulated entry body to about 40 000 meters, the point
at which Earth's atmosphere approached the 10-millibar pressure of
Mars. At that altitude, the shell would be released. Twelve small
rockets would accelerate it to mach 1.2. The 26-meter test chute
would then be deployed and, with an instrument package, would
subsequently be separated from the shell. John C. McFall of
Langley was NASA project manager for the Planetary Entry Parachute
Project. The balloons were launched by the Air Force Cambridge
Research Laboratory at the balloon launch facility, Holloman Air
Force Base, N. Mex., and Walker Air Force Base, N. Mex. The
balloons were fabricated by G. T. Schjeldahl Co., Northfield,
Minn. Overall cost of the project was far below that projected for
similar tests using the Little Joe II rocket. Honest John-Nikes
were launched at the White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.
Consult the following documents: H. Lee Dickinson to Richard T.
Mittauer, "AFCRL to Launch Largest High Altitude Balloon Made for
NASA's Voyager Program," 14 Apr. 1966; NASA, "NASA to Explore Use
of Parachutes for Mars Landing," news release 66-90, 27 Apr. 1966;
"Launch of Huge Balloon Delayed," Washington Evening Star, 22 June
1966; Walter Sullivan, "Giant Balloon Is Lofted in Test for Mars
Landing," New York Times. 19 July 1966; NASA, "Martin to Build
Planetary Entry Parachute Units," news release 66-229, 25 Aug.
1966; NASA, "First Planetary Parachute Test Planned Aug. 29," news
release 66-225, 26 Aug. 1966; NASA, "Parachute Test in New Mexico
Complete Success," news release 66-241, Sept. 1966; NASA Off. of
Advanced Research and Technology (OART), "Post-Launch Preliminary
Report for Small Flight Project,Planetary Entry Parachutes,'' 7
Sept., 18 Nov., and 21 Nov. 1966; "Chuting for Mars," Newsweek 68
(12 Sept. 1966): 59; NASA, "Parachute Entry Experiment Fails in
WSMR Launch [rocket flight] news release 66-292, 10 Nov. 1966;
NASA, "Soft-Lander Parachute Test a Success.'' News release
67-120, 10 May 1967; NASA, "Parachute Tests Reach Halfway Point,"
news release 67-162, 20 June 1967; NASA, "Large Balloon to Launch
NASA Parachute Test," news release 67-170, 6 July 1967; and
"Voyager Parachute Test Completed at White Sands," Space Business
Daily, 23 Oct. 1967.
- 8. McNulty, ''Defining
Project Viking,'' p 79.
- 9. Homer E. Newell, Jr.,
to William Pickering, 14 July 1965.
- 10. Donald P. Burcham
to Roberts, 29 June 1965.
- 11. McNulty, "Defining
Project Viking," pp. 80-82.
- 12. Floyd L. Thompson
to R. W. May, Jr., ''Redirection of NASA Contract NASI-5224,
'Comparative Studies of Conceptual Design and Qualification
Procedures for a Mars Probe/Lander,' '' 18 Nov. 1965.
- 13. McNulty ,''Defining
Project Viking,'' pp. 87-88; "Impact of Voyager upon the OART
Program,'' ca. 22 Oct. 1965; and Donald E. Fink, ''Fund Bite Halts
Voyager Bus Work; Lander Capsule Design to Continue, " Aviation
Week & Space Technology 84 (3 Jan. 1966): 24.
- 14. McNulty, "Defining
Project Viking," pp. 96-97; and AVCO, "Mars Probe Final Oral
Presentation,'' 1 Mar. 1966.
- 15. McNulty, "Defining
Project Viking." pp. 114-16; and McNulty, Daniel B. Snow, and
Roberts, Modal and Conceptual Design Comparisons for the Voyager
Capsule." Langley Working Paper-326, 2 Dec. 1966.
- 16. McNulty, ''Defining
Project Viking," pp. 118 26; and Donald P. Hearth, "Chronology of
Voyager Management Activities and Decisions since September
1966,'' memo for record, 7 Feb. 1967.
- 17. McNulty, "Defining
Project Viking,'' pp. 137-38;[NASA],"Biographical Data-James S.
Martin, Jr.,'' n.d.; and Bruce K. Byers, Destination Moon: A
History of the Lunar Orbiter Program, NASA TMX-3487 (Washington,
1977), pp. 51, 208-10.
- 18. McNulty, "Defining
Project Viking,'' pp. 137-40.
- 19. McNulty, "Minutes
of the Twenty-fifth Meeting of the Planetary Missions Technology
Steering Committee, 1st Session, September 6, 1967,[and] 2nd
Session, September 11, 1967,'' n.d.; Oran W. Nicks to Charles J.
Donlan, TWX, 29 Aug. 1967; Nicks to H. Julian Allen, 31 Aug. 1967;
and Nicks to Mac C. Adams, "Assistance from NASA Centers in
Planning a Planetary Program," 1 Sept. 1967.
- 20. Eugene S. Love to
Clifford H. Nelson, "Comments on In-House Feasibility Study Items
in Hand-out of 8/31/67 relating to near Planet Exploration," 1
Sept. 1967.
- 21 Ibid.
- 22. Hearth, "Minutes,
Voyager Management Committee, September 7, 1967," [8 Sept.
- 23. McNulty, "Minutes
of the Twenty-fifth Meeting"; and Clifford H. Nelson, "In-House
Feasibility Studies-Planetary Exploration Program," rev. 8 Sept.
1967. Also see Anthony J. Calio to R. J. Parks, E. C. Draley, D.
G. Newby, and Roberts, TWX, 11 Sept. 1967.
- 24. James S. Martin,
Jr., to Donlan, "OSSA Proposed Planetary Programs," 5 Oct. 1967;
and "Planetary Program Extension FY 1968-1969 Program Issues and
Options," 9 Oct. 1967.
- 25. "Planetary Program
Extension," 9 Oct. 1967.
- 26. Ibid.; Hearth to
Nicks, "Work Assignments," 18 0ct. 1967; Nicks to Thompson and
Martin, TWX, 19 Oct. 1967; Eugene Love to Martin, "Comments on
Role of Planetary Missions Technology Steering Committee," 19 Oct.
1967; Martin, "Planetary Projects-Implementation Information,"
memo, 30 Oct. 1967, with encl., C. W. McKee and R. N. Parker,
"Proposed Project Organization and Procurement Implementation
Plans for Selected Planetary Programs," 25 Oct. 1967; Hearth to
Earle J. Sample and Parks, TWX, 30 Oct. 1967; and Nicks to Webb,
"Planetary Program Discussion with the Congress," 7 Nov.
- 27. Senate Committee on
Aeronautical and Space Sciences, NASA's Proposed Operating Plan
for Fiscal Year l968, hearing, 90th Congress 1st sess. (henceforth
90/1), 8 Nov. 1967, p. 16; and Luther J. Carter, "Planetary
Exploration: How to Get by the Budget-Cutters," Science 157 (24
Nov. 1967): 1025-28.
- 28. Carter, "Planetary
Exploration''; William J. Normyle, "NASA Pushes Planetary
Program," Aviation Week & Space Technology 87 (27 Nov. 1967):
16-17: and Normyle, "Planetary Program Support Seen Lacking, "
Aviation Week & Space Technology 87 (11 Dec. 1967):
- 29. "NASA FY 1969
Budget Reclama of BOB Tentative Allowance," 30 Nov. 1967; and
[Hearth], "Reclama to FY 1969 Bureau of the Budget Mark," 1 Dec.
- 30. "Planetary
Exploration Program: Collection of Comments, Policy Statements,
etc. (Excerpts from NASA Press Conf. on FY69 Budget, Jan. 29,
1968)," n.d.
- 31. Ibid.; and Newell
to Hugh Odishaw, 10 Mar. 1961.
- 32. Naugle to Donlan,
TWX, 9 Feb. 1968.
- 33. McNulty, "Defining
Project Viking," pp. 164-65; "Fourteen Bids in on New Mars Mission
Studies," Space Business Daily 18 Mar. 1968; Martin, "Procurement
Planning-Mars '73 Mission, " memo, l3 Feb. 1968; Charles W. Cole
to Martin, 17 Feb. 1968; McNulty, "Minutes of the Twenty-eighth
Meeting of the Planetary Missions Technology Steering Committee,"
21 Feb. 1968; A. J. Kullas to John Naugle, 12 Feb. 1968; Hearth to
Naugle, ''Letter from Martin Marietta Corporation Dated February
12, 1968," 23 Feb. 1968; Martin to LOPO staff, ''Mars '73
Mission-Coordination Meetings with JPL," 27 Feb. 1968; Israel
Taback, ' Coordination Meeting with JPL Personnel regarding Tasks
Required for Defining the 1973 Mars Mission, ' memo for record, 4
Mar. 1968; William J. Boyer to Martin, ''Analysis of Proposed
Assignment of the Operations System for the Mars '73 Project to
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,'' 19 Mar. 1968; E. B. Lightner,
"Minutes of Mars '73 Mission Planning Meeting, March 26, 1968,''
27 Mar. 1968; Martin, "Oral Presentations for Mars '73 Study
Contracts," memo, 4 Apr. 1968; Martin to LOPO staff, "Mars 1973
Mission Definition Report No. M73-101-0," 8 Apr. 1968, with encl.;
Pickering to Donlan, 17 Apr. 1968; Langley Research Ctr., "Mars
'73 Mission Status: Material Discussed with OSSA/SL on April 17,
1968," n d.; and Martin, "Mars '73 Statement of Work," memo, 13
June 1968. with encl.
- 34. Pickering to
Donlan, 17 April 1968.
- 35. Draley, "Langley
Research Center Management Proposal for 1973 Mars Mission, " memo,
18 Apr. 1968.
- 36. [Langley Research
Ctr.], briefing charts, 20 Apr. 1968.
- 37. ''NASA-LRC/JPL
Management Agreement for Advanced Planetary Mission Technology
Mars Lander-Mission Study," Aug. 1968; Martin to Edgar M.
Cortright, ''Meeting with JPL Representatives to Discuss
Management Options for the Mars '73 Mission, May 21, 1968,'' 22
May 1968; Cortright to Draley, ''Mars '73 Management," 21 May
1968; Langley Research Ctr., Announcement 29-68, "Change in
Organization in the Office of Assistant Director for Flight
Projects.'' 7 June 1968; Martin to Draley, ''Mars 73 Mission
Design Steering Committee," 10 June 1968; and A. Gustaferro,
"Minutes, Mars '73 Mission Design Steering Committee June 5th,
1968, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California." [11 June
- 38. NASA Hopes to
Remain in Orbit by Selling Congress on Mars, Venus, Mercury
Probes," Wall Street Journal, 26 Jan. 1968; NASA, "Background
Material, NASA FY 1969 Budget Briefing." news release. 29 Jan.
- 39. Philip M. Boffry,
"LBJ's New Budget: Another Tight Year for Research and
Development," Science 159 (2 Feb. 1968): 509; William Leavitt, "A
Dreary Season for NASA," Air Force and S pace Digest 51 (Feb.
1968): 72-76; "Physicist Says Space Budgets Cuts 'Kill' Scientific
Exploration," New York Times, 21 Apr. 1968; and Joel A. Strasser,
"Tight Budget Spurs New Look at Low-Cost Planetary Plans,"
Aerospace Technology 21 (6 May 1968); 22-25.
- 40. NASA Off. of
Admin., Budget Operations Div., "Chronological History Fiscal Year
1969 Budget Submission," 14 Oct. 1968: Carter, "Space Budget: Down
20 Percent in 1 Year-at Least,'' Science 160 (10 May 1968): 634;
''President Limits NASA to $4.008 Billion Appropriation," Space
Business Daily, 20, May 1968; Jerry Klutz. "NASA Glamor Gone,
Becomes Pet Target for Economy Cuts," Washington Post, 27 May
1968; Richard D Lyons, "NASA Will Drop 1,600 Men and Cut
Projects," New York Times 9 Aug. 1968; John B. Campbell, "Is NAS A
Viable?" Space/Astronautics 52 (July 1968): 45: Victor Cohn, "U.S.
Science Is Feeling Budget Pinch," Washington Post, 4 Aug. 1968;
Neal Stanford. "Budget Cuts Abort U.S. Space Plans," Christian
Science Monitor, 12 Aug. 1968; War s Effect on U.S. Budget to
Committee for Years after Peace, Humphrey Is Told," Wall Street
Journal, 1 Aug 1968; and Executive Off. of the President, Bureau
of the Budget, "Summer Review of the 1969 Budget,'' Sept.
- 41. NASA, "NASA Interim
Operating Plan," news release 68-141, 8 Aug. 1968.
- 42. Hearth to Naugle,
"Background on Titan Mars '73 for Congressional Hearings on the
Interim Operating Plan," [ca. Sept. 1968]; Martin to Draley, "Mars
73 Mission and Related Items Discussed during Telephone
Conversation with Mr. Don Hearth on June 28. 1968," 28 June 1968;
and Martin, "FY69 Planetary Program Information," memo for record,
26 June 1968.
- 43. Harry H. Hess to
Webb, 3 Nov. 1967; and Peter L. Smolders, Soviets in Space, trans.
Marian Powell (Guildford, London: Lutterworth Press, 1973), pp.
- 44. Hess to Webb, 3
Nov. 1967, and 14 Dec. 1967. See Webb to Hess. undated letter not
sent; Jim Long to Nicks, 7 Feb. 1968; Nicks to Hearth, 12 Feb.
!968; and Naugle to Webb, "Comments on Letters of Dr. Hess from
the Space Science Board (SSB) concerning NASA Programs," 16 Feb.
- 45. National Academy of
Sciences-National Research Council, Planetary Exploration
1968-1975: Recommends Expanded Planetary Effort," S pace Business
Daily, 15 Aug. 1968; "Academy Renews Its Stand against Manned
Exploration," Space Business Daily, 16 Aug. 1968; "Space Science
Boar Emphasizes Mars Surface Studies," Space Business Daily, 19
Aug. 1968. More detailed comments on relations between NASA and
the scientific community are found in Raymond A. Bauer, Richard F.
Meyer, et al., "NASA Planning and Decision Making, Final Report,"
vol. 1, rpt. X70-90256, Harvard Univ. Grad. School of Business
Admin. [ca. 1970], pp. III-37 to III-39.
- 46. Webb to Norman F.
Ramsey. 14 Jan. 1966. See "NASA Ad Hoc Science Advisory Committee
Report to the Administrator," 15 Aug. 1966, pp. 27-30. OSSA files,
for a list of issues that Webb asked Ramsey's committee to address
itself to. For a general, overview of the Lunar and Planetary
Missions Board's history see Barry Rutizer, ''The Lunar and
Planetary Missions Board." HHN-138, 30 Aug. 1976, NASA History
Off. Archives.
- 47. "NASA Ad Hoc
Science Advisory Committee Report.'' pp. 1-25.
- 48. For discussion of
the reaction, see Rutizer, "Lunar and Planetary Missions Board,"
p. 12. See also Newell. "Interirm Response to the Report of the Ad
Hoc Science Advisory Committee," 7 June 1967. OSSA files
- 49. Rutizer, "Lunar and
Planetary Missions Board,'' pp. 13-14.
- 50. Ibid., p.
- 51. Ibid., p l9 and
note 72.
- 52. John W. Findlay to
Newell, 11 Oct. 1967; Newell to Findlay, 24 Oct. 1967: and Findlay
to Webb, 2 Nov. I967.
- 53. Wolf Vishniac to
Findlay, 7 Nov. 1967; Lester Lees to Findlay, 10 No. I967: Gordon
J. F. MacDonald, 13 Nov. 1967; Findlay to Webb, 11 Dec. 1967; Webb
to Findlay. n.d.: and Jesse L. Greenstein to Findlay, 15 Dec.
1967, personal files of Findlay and OSSA files. See also Carter,
''Planetary Exploration: How to Get by the Budget-Cutters," p.
1026, for a summary of the NA.SA-Mission Board disagreement.
Carter's article in Science (note 27) reflects one disgruntled
member of the board.
- 54. A. Thomas Young to
Martin, "Mars Panel Meeting Summary," 14 June 1968; and George C.
Pimentel to Martin, 5 June 1968, with encl.
- 55. A. Thomas Young to
Martin, "Mars Panel Meeting, June 28, 1968," 2 July l968 Young to
Martin, "Report on Lunar and Planetary Missions Board Meeting," 19
July l968; Young to G. C. Broome and J .C .Moorman, "Candidate
Objectives for Mars '73 Mission," 19 July l968; Young to Martin,
Report on Lunar and Planetary Missions Board Meeting, September 5
and 6,1968," 10 Sept. 1968; Hearth to Naugle, "Solicitation to the
Scientific Community for Participation in the Development of
Instruments for Mars Landers," 10 Sept. 1968 and Findlay to
Newell, 17 Sept. 1968 and 11 Oct. 1968.
- 56. " Mars Panel
Report," 5 Oct. 1968, with encl., Young, "Science Critique
Meeting, October 3,1968, " memo for record, 18 Oct. 1968 and
Young, "Lunar and Planetary Missions Board Meeting, October 4-5.
1968," memo for record, 18 Oct. 1968. For discussion of the launch
vehicle and the lander decision, see Gustaferro, "Minutes of July
29, 1968, Briefing on Mars '73 Mission Planning Status to Mr.
Edgar M. Cortright," memo for record, 31 July 1968 Martin to R. N.
Conway, "Mars 73 Research and Development POP 68-2 Funding
Requirements for OSSA," 13 Aug. 1968: G. W. Brewer to Martin,
"Request for SRT Support of a Study for Assessment of Technical
and Cost Impact of a Mars '73 Hard Lander," 20 Aug. 1968: C. F.
Mohl, "Minutes of the 3d Orbiter Design Team Meeting Held 29
August 1968," memo, 30 Aug. 1968 Gustaferro, "Minutes of August
29, 1968, Briefing on Titan Mars '73 Mission Planning Status to
Mr. Edgar M. Cortright," memo for record, 3 Sept. 1968; Cortright
to Naugle. "Titan/Mars '73 FY 1969 Project Approval Document (Code
84-840-815)," 7 Oct. 1968; M. G. Dietl, "Minutes of the 7th
Orbiter Design Team Meeting Held on 10 October 1968," memo, 11
Oct. 1968 and Hearth to Naugle, "Solicitation to the Scientific
Community for Participation in the Development of Instruments for
Mars Landers," 10 Sept. 1968, with encl., "Solicitation for
Participation in the Development of Instruments for Mars Landers,"
draft, 3 Sept. 1968.
- 57. Boeing Co., ''Study
of Powered Spacecraft for Mars Missions," D2-140028-5, 2 vols.,
Sept. 1968, 68N34279; General Electric Co., Missile and Space
Div., "Titan/Mars Hard Lander, " 68SD7041, 2 vols., 6 Jan. 1969.
69N19165-6: General Electric Co., Missile and Space Div.. "Mars
Hard Lander Capsule Study," 68SD952-1-8, 4 vols., 31 July 1968,
68N35980-7: General Electric Co., Missile and Space Div., "Final
Report Direct Versus Orbital Entry for Mars Mission," 68SD4293, 3
vols., l Aug. 1968, privately funded rpt.; Hughes Aircraft Co.,
Space Systems Div.. "Mars Spinning Support Module Study, "
NASI-8638, contractor rpt. CR66732-1, CR66732-2,2 vols., 31 Jan.
1969, 69N19945-6: Martin Co. ''Study of Direct Versus Orbital
Entry for Mars Missions," NASI-7976, 6 vols., Aug. 1968,
68N31831-6: McDonnell Douglas Corp., McDonnell Astronautics Co.,
"Soft Lander Mars Lander Capsule Study (Entry from Orbit). Final
Report" [prelim. draft], G346. 1 July 1968: Mr Donnell Douglas
Corp., McDonnell Astronautics Co., "Soft Lander," NASI-7977, 9
pts., Sept. 1968, 68N34050-8; Martin Co., "Study of a Soft
Lander/Support Module for Mars Missions," NASI-7976, vols. 1-3, 7,
Jan. 1969..69N15600-2. 68N37340.
- 58. Young, "Titan Mars
'73 Mission Mode Meetings Summary," memo for record, 14 Nov. 1968,
with encl. ''.Summary Titan Mars '73 Mission Mode Meeting,
November 8-9,1968, at Langley Research Center, " n. d. Langley
Research Ctr., "Titan Mars '73 Mission Mode Briefing, November
7-8, 1968,'' 7 Nov. 1968; and W. 1. Watson, "Viking Project Phase
B Report," M63-110-0 [Circa Nov. 1968].
- 59. Young, "Titan Mars
'73 Mission Mode Meetings Summary," 14 Nov. 1968.
- 60. Naugle interview by
Ezell, 17 Apr. 1978. See also Hearth to Parks, TWX, 12 Nov. 1968;
Naugle, ''Review of Titan Mars 73 Options." memo, 12 Nov. 1968;
Naugle to Thomas O. Paine, "Reprogramming of FY 1969 Funds for
Titan Mars 1973,'' 13 Nov. 1968; Hearth, memo, 18 Nov. 1968, with
encl. "Actions Required That Have Been Deferred Pending Resolution
of FY70 Budget," 18 Nov. 1968; Martin to multiple addressees, TWX,
"ASPO Review of the Draft Copt of the (JPL Task Order Dated
November 11, 1968," 25 Nov. 1968: Julian Sheer to Paine, 2 Dec.
1968; NASA, ''Scientific Payloads for Mars '73,'' news release
68-207, 5 Dec. 1968; Naugle to Scheer, ''Titan Mars1973
Orbiter/Lander," 22 Nov. 1968: and Naugle. ''Project Viking,'' 23
Dec. 1968.
- 61. Robert F. Allnutt
to Joseph E. Karth, 4 Dec. 1968.
- 62. Bauer and Meyer,
"NASA Planning and Decision Making,'' vol. 1, p. III-45.
- 63. Allnutt to Karth, 4
Dec. 1968.
- 64. Langley Research
Ctr. Announcement 60-68, "Establishment of Interim Viking Project
Office." 6 Dec. 1968

