On Mars:
Exploration of the Red Planet. 1958-1978
- Pioneer and Troublesome Launch
- [25] Lunar exploration project Pioneer,
America's bid in the early space competition, was approved in
March 1958 under the initial direction of the Advanced Research
Projects Agency, which assigned hardware development to both the
Air Force and the Army. But the two services each had a distinct
approach to Pioneer, and the differences plagued the project from
the start. On their first try, the Air Force team produced an
unplanned pyrotechnic display when a Thor-Able launch vehicle
exploded 77 seconds after liftoff from Cape Canaveral on 17 August
1958. Pioneer 1, launched on 11 October that year, was another
disappointment; an early shutdown of the second stage prevented
its attaining a velocity sufficient to escape Earth's gravity.
After a 115 000-kilometer trip toward the moon and 43 hours in
space, the probe burned up when it reentered Earth's atmosphere.
The next month, Pioneer 2
's third stage failed to ignite;
this spacecraft was also incinerated as it fell back to Earth.
Meanwhile, the Army Ballistic Missile Agency and the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory were working on a Pioneer lunar probe to be
launched by a combination vehicle called Juno II, a Jupiter
intermediate range ballistic missile with upper stages developed
by JPL. A 6 December 1958 attempt to launch this four-stage rocket
to the moon failed when the Jupiter first stage cut off
prematurely. Pioneer
3 reentered after a 38-hour
- Pioneer 4, the last of the series initiated by the Advanced
Research Projects Agency, rose on its Juno II launch vehicle on 3
March 1959 and traveled without incident to the moon and beyond
into an orbit around the sun, but without passing close enough to
the moon for the lunar-scanning instruments to function. The U.S.
attempt to beat the Soviet Union to the moon had already failed:
Luna 1, launched 2 January, had flown by its target on 4
January. Luna 2 next became the first spacecraft to land on another
body in the solar system, crashing into the moon on 13 September
1959. Luna 3, launched 4 October, returned the first photographs
of the moon's far side.
- The U.S. effort continued to be less than
successful. A sixth Pioneer lunar probe, a NASA-monitored Air
Force launch, was destroyed when the payload shroud broke away 45
seconds after launch in November 1959. In 1960, two more NASA
Pioneers failed, and the project died.* America's next entry was Ranger, NASA's first
full-scale lunar project. 3
- Ranger: Atlas-Vega versus
- The Ranger spacecraft-designed to strike
the moon's surface after transmitting television pictures and
gamma ray spectrometry data during descent-was one of the payloads
planned for the Atlas-Vega launch vehicle. Atlas, an Air Force
intercontinental ballistic missile developed by General
Dynamics-Astronautics, had been selected by Abe Silverstein's
Office of Space Flight Development for early manned orbital
missions and deep space probes, and the decision had been based on
several sound premises. If Atlas could be so adapted and if Thor
and other intermediate [27] range ballistic missiles could be used
for lightweight Earth satellites, then most of the funds NASA had
earmarked for launch-vehicle development could be used for the
development of a family of much larger liquid-propellant rockets
for manned lunar missions. The space agency could purchase Atlas
missiles from the Air Force and provide upper stages tailor- made
for any particular mission, whether science in deep space or
manned Mercury missions near Earth.
- As defined in December 1958, three basic
elements composed Atlas-Vega: (1) the Atlas missile, with its
so-called stage and a half; (2) a modified Vanguard engine for the
second stage; and (3) Vega, a new third stage under development at
JPL. Vanguard was produced by General Electric. JPL's Vega would
provide the extra thrust to reach the velocities necessary for
planetary flights. According to the estimates, the combination
would be able to place 2250 kilograms in a 480-kilometer Earth
orbit or send approximately 360 kilograms to the moon. The first
Atlas-Vega flight was optimistically scheduled for the fall of
- On 17 December 1958 in Washington,
representatives from NASA, the Advanced Research Projects Agency,
the Army, and the Air Force considered launch vehicle development
and agreed that a series of versatile, increasingly powerful
launchers was a desirable goal. However, NASA wanted its first new
launch vehicle to be Atlas-Vega, while the Air Force favored the
smaller Atlas-Agena. Since neither vehicle could meet the
requirements of both organizations, NASA and the Air Force agreed
to pursue their separate courses. Both approved Atlas-Centaur, a
higher-energy rocket under development for future use, but only
the space agency projected a need for the much larger
- Vega was the first element in NASA's
proposal for "A National Space Vehicle Program," a document sent
to President Eisenhower on 27 January 1959 specifying four
principal launch vehicles-Atlas-Vega, Atlas-Centaur, Saturn I, and
Nova (subsequently replaced by Saturn V). NASA began its hardware
development program by contracting with General Dynamics, General
Electric, and JPL for the production of eight Vega launch
vehicles, being considered for Ranger flights to the moon and for
a 1960 Mars mission. To send a spacecraft to Mars "with sufficient
guidance capability and sufficient instrumentation to transmit
information to the Earth, we need at least a thousand pounds [450
kilograms] of payload," Milton W. Rosen, chief of the NASA Rocket
Vehicle Development Program, reminded senators during April 1959
hearings on the agency's 1960 budget. Vega was the first launcher
in the NASA stable that had "such payload carrying capacity."
- Atlas-Vega, however, was not destined to
fly to either the moon or the planets; a competitor blocked the
way. The Air Force had been concealing a significant fact-Lockheed
Missiles & Space Company had been developing a much more
powerful version of Agena, the B model. 5 The uprated Atlas-Agena B was unveiled in May 1959,
almost instantly killing Atlas-Vega.
- [28] An
artist's concept of the Vega Mars probe as seen from the Martian
moon Deimos was presented to the Senate Aeronautical and Space
Science Committee on 7 April 1959.
- NASA began investigating the similarities
between the two that spring, and in July the Civilian-Military
Liaison Committee, established earlier to work out problems of
mutual concern to NASA and the Department of Defense, ordered a
review of the two systems. The committee's and NASA's findings
agreed: one of the projects should be canceled. Since NASA was in
no position to force the Air Force to terminate the somewhat more
flexible Agena B, the agency conceded. On 7 December, Glennan
telephoned JPL Director Pickering. All work on Vega would stop
immediately. 6
- Glennan and his staff at NASA Headquarters
were discomfited by Vega's cancellation. The duplicative project
had not only cost them $17 million labeled for launch vehicle
research, its cancellation had returned them to dependence on new
Air Force rockets. JPL's unhappiness over losing Vega was
compounded by dismay over NASA's new 10-year plan, which was
clearly geared toward lunar rather than planetary
activities.7 Richard E. Horner, NASA associate administrator,
wrote Pickering in December 1959 about the management's post-Vega
thinking, discussing the recent transfer of the Army Ballistic
Missile Agency in Huntsville, Alabama, to NASA (a transfer sought
by NASA since October 1958) and Vega's cancellation. Although the
cancellation was certainly "disturbing" and would "necessitate a
major reorientation of the Laboratory work program,'' Horner
believed that it would allow the entire NASA community to advance
toward the agency's long-term objectives. Each NASA center working
directly in space experimentation had been assigned "a major
functional area of responsibility." The facility at Huntsville
under the direction of Wernher von Braun was responsible for the
development of launch vehicles and associated equipment. That
organization would also control all launch-related activities to
the point of orbital injection or some similar point in the
trajectory of a probe. The Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland
would oversee the development and operation of Earth satellites
and sounding-rocket payloads. Development and operation of
spacecraft [29] for lunar and interplanetary exploration was JPL's
task. "It is pertinent to note here that the Administrator has
decided that our efforts for the present should be concentrated
on lunar exploration as opposed to exploration of the planets,"
Horner added in his letter to Pasadena. 8
- Along will these clearly defined field
assignments, major changes were taking place at NASA Headquarters.
The former Office of Space Flight Development was divided into two
directorates-the Office of Launch Vehicle Programs and the Office
of Space Flight Programs.** Abe Silverstein would direct spaceflight, with JPL
and Goddard reporting directly to him. Staff responsibility for
launch vehicles would be directed by former Advanced Research
Projects Agency specialist.Maj. Gen. Don R. Ostrander, to whom the
von Braun team would be accountable. These assignments were
designed to establish clearer lines of responsibility for both
administrative and functional purposes. (See charts in
G.) 9
- Within this new framework JPL, in carrying
out its task of planning and executing lunar and planetary
projects, would be in charge of mission planning, spacecraft
development, experiments, mission operations, analysis of
scientific data returned from space, and the publication of
mission results. Since these activities could not possibly be
carried out by JPL alone, headquarters "expected that a part of
the developments will be contracted with industry and the
Laboratory will assume the responsibility of monitoring such
contracts,'' Horner noted. Pickering continued to resist such a
role when he met with Silverstein a month later, but contracting
for hardware development was agency policy. NASA would also
exercise control over its field centers through annual program
guidance documents written at headquarters. The Pasadena
laboratory's independence was being curtailed as the men in
Washington began to pull together a more centralized management
system, but the relationship between headquarters and JPL was
still not clearly defined.10
- In December, going one step further in
asserting headquarters' leadership, Silverstein outlined for JPL
the space agency's plans for lunar and planetary missions for the
next three years. Earlier that month the NASA Lunar Science Group,
chaired by Robert Jastrow, had met to discuss proposals for lunar
exploration. Harold Urey, Thomas Gold, Harrison Brown, and other
scientists had agreed that a hard lunar landing, which by its
crashing impact could help determine the nature of the moon's
surface structure, would be an important first step.
High-resolution pictures of the moon before impact would also be
most important. Basing plans on the advice of the lunar group and
the change in launch vehicles, Silverstein [30] advised Pickering
that seven flights were planned through 1962. The first five would
be launched by Atlas-Agena B for "lunar reconnaissance" in
1961-1962; two other spacecraft would be sent by Atlas-Centaur to
Mars and Venue in 1962. 11 As part of an integrated lunar exploration program,
the lunar spacecraft, Ranger, should also be capable of depositing
an instrument package on the moon.
- In late December, Homer Newell, Newell
Sanders, Joseph A. Crocker, and Morton J. Stroller traveled to
California to discuss how the projected flights fitted into the
agency's long-range plans. Crocker explained that development
should begin on four different spacecraft (designations in
brackets indicate projects that emerged from this
- a. A spacecraft for use with the Agena on
lunar work [Ranger],
- b. a spacecraft for use with Centaur for
planetary and lunar orbit, with perhaps a modification for soft
landings [combination of Surveyor and Lunar Orbiter and Mariner
- c. a spacecraft for use with Saturn on
planetary work [Voyager] with some modifications, perhaps for
instrumented landings of lunar rover vehicles [Prospector], and
- d. a spacecraft for use with the Saturn
for unmanned circumlunar missions and return leading to perhaps
some modifications for manned circumlunar missions and
- Rather than be developed independently,
the spacecraft would evolve, with more advanced spacecraft growing
out of generation-to-generation experience. 12
- Pickering was still not fully reconciled
to the moon-first priority laid down by Washington, believing that
the limited opportunities for flights to the planets made it
absolutely imperative that work begin immediately on planetary
spacecraft. Newell and his colleagues relieved the director's
anxieties somewhat by assuring him that there would be planetary
flights "every time the near planets, Mars and Venus, were in
optimum position." The JPL group was reminded, however, that the
planetary program would be relying on the yet-to-be-developed
Centaur launch vehicle for some time, until the more advanced
Saturn family was ready. 13
- Surveyor, Mariner, and the
- As headquarters directed, JPL personnel
set about defining a lunar impact mission, but
Atlas-Centaur-boosted spacecraft of the future were also an active
concern. NASA hoped Surveyor, the first of these advanced craft,
would allow a "tremendous stride forward in lunar exploration,"
since it would land softly on the moon, carrying a number of
experiments,*** [31] including a surface sampler and an atmosphere
analyzer. These instruments would provide scientists and designers
information they needed to plan more sophisticated unmanned and
manned landing missions. Mariner, the second spacecraft family to
be powered by Atlas-Centaur, would be directed toward Venus and
Mars. Two kinds of Mariner spacecraft were planned: an A model
that would simply fly by those planets and a B model that could
release a landing capsule toward Mars or Venus as the main bus
flew by. A 1962 Mariner was expected to be launched toward Venus
to measure the planet's surface temperature distribution, examine
the atmosphere, and determine the extent of the magnetic field as
it flew by.
- Still later in the 1960s, two multipurpose
spacecraft, Prospector and Voyager, atop mighty Saturn launch
vehicles were to extend the scope of unmanned lunar and planetary
exploration even further. Prospector was being designed to roam
about the lunar surface as directed from Earth and examine the
moon with a sophisticated array of instruments. Subsequent lunar
rovers were to be used as logistic vehicles to marshal supplies
for manned missions to the moon, or possibly as an early means of
returning experiment samples. Voyager, too, was being designed
with growth in mind. From the first missions in 1964 to either
Venus or Mars with slightly larger landed payloads than the
Mariner B capsule, Voyager was to grow larger and larger until a
mechanized rover was sent to Mars or Venus. Prospector and Voyager
represented the very distant future, but by the summer of 1960 JPL
and NASA Headquarters were beginning to give serious attention to
Surveyor and Mariner. 14 Both of these craft were scheduled for launch by
Atlas-Centaur-the number two vehicle in NASA's plans-but
development problems with the Centaur stage would seriously affect
the timetable.
* In 1965, NASA revived Project Pioneer with a
new objective: to complement interplanetary data acquired by
Mariner probes.
- ** The distinction
between programs and projects was first made clear by G. F.
Schilling, Office of Space Science, late in 1959. Programs
signified a related and continued series of undertaking greared
toward understanding a broad scientific or technical topic;
programs (e.g., examining the solar system) did not necessarily
have foreseeable ends. Projects were the building blocks for
programs and as such had limited objectives, limited duration
(e.g., Project Mariner, Project Viking). While the space science
personnel at NASA tended to maintain this distinction over the
years, the concept was not as clearly observed in manned
spaceflight, where the Apollo project grew so large it became a
- *** The term
experiment, as NASA uses it, refers to any exercise whose purpose
is to gather scientific or engineering data (and also to the
equipment used to perform an experiment). Few scientists would
apply the term to some NASA experiments, e.g., photography of
Earth from orbit.