On Mars:
Exploration of the Red Planet. 1958-1978
- 1. Edgar M. Cortright to
Ad Hoc Committee to Name Space Science Projects and Objects,
"Revised Suggestions for Lunar and Planetary Program," 18 May
- 2. Homer E. Newell.
Beyond the Atmosphere: Early Years of Space Science, NASA SP-4211,
- 3. R. Cargill Hall,
Lunar Impact: A History of Project Ranger, NASA SP-4210
(Washington, 1977), pp. 6-10; Henry L. Richter, Jr., ed.,
Instruments and Spacecraft, October 1957-March l965, NASA SP-3028
(Washington, 1966), pp. 31-32, 34-35, 45-46, 81, 123-24, 146; and
Peter L. Smolders, Soviets in Space, trans. Marian Powell
(Guildford, London: Lutterworth Press, 1973), pp. 220-21.
- 4. Senate Committee on
Aeronautical and Space Sciences, NASA Authorization for Fiscal
Year 1l960, hearings on S. 1582, 86th Cong. 1st sess. (henceforth
86/1), pt. 1, 7-10 Apr. 1959, p. 26; General Dynamics Corp.
(Astronautics) Div., ''Vega, Final Technical Report, Contract
NASW-45," report AP6O-0294, 25 May 1960; and Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, The Vega Program, report 30-6 ( Pasadena,
- 5. Comptroller General
of the U.S., "Report to the Committee on Science and Astronautics,
House of Representatives, Review of Cancelled Atlas-Vega Launch
Vehicle Development, December 1958-December 1959,'' report
B133308, Apr. 1960, pp. 4, 10-12, 29-30, 32-37. See also Homer J.
Stewart to T. Keith Glennan, 28 Sept. 1959; Stewart to Glennan, 14
Oct. 1959, box 7, accession 70A5793, Record Group 255, Washington
National Records Ctr., Suitland, MD; Paul Means, Vega-Agena-B
Mix-up Cost Missions,'' Missiles and Rockets 6(20 June 1960)):
19-20; Evert Clark, ''Vega Study Shows Early NASA Problems."
Aviation Week & Space Technology 72 (27 June 1960): 62-68; and
George Kistiakowsky, A Scientist at the White House: The Private
Diary of President Eisenhower's Special Assistant for Science and
Technology (Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1976), p. 129.
- 6. Stewart to Glennan,
"Consideration of Vega, Agena B and Centaur," 2 Oct. 1959; and R.
Cargill Hall. Project Ranger: A Chronology, JPL/HR-2 (Pasadena,
1971), p. 127.
- 7. Hall, Lunar Impact,
p. 23; Newell, "Trip Report for the Visit to Jet Propulsion
Laboratory on 28 December 1959 by Homer E. Newell, Jr., Newell
Sanders, J. A. Crocker, Morton J. Stroller, "memo for the record,
30 Dec. 1959 Newell notes, "Meeting at JPL. 28 Dec S9,
- 8. Richard E. Horner to
William H. Pickering, 16 Dec. 1959. The story of ABMA's transfer
to NASA is outlined in Robert L. Rosholt, An Administrative
History of NASA, 1958-1963, NASA SP-4101 (Washington, (1966), pp.
45-47, 107-14,
- 9. Homer to Pickering,
16 Dec. 1959; and Rosholt, Administrative History, pp.
- 10. Homer to Pickering,
16 Dec. 1959.
- 11. Robert Jastrow to
Newell, "Report on December 1 Meeting of the Lunar Science
Group,'' 11 Dec. 1959; and Abe Silverstein to Pickering, 21 Dec.
1959, roll 614-167, JPLVC. See also Pickering, interoffice memo
no. 16, 16 Dec. I959; and J. D. Bruker, memo, Jan. 1959, roll
211-4, JPLVC.
- 12. Newell. "Trip
Report." memo for record, 30 Dec. 1959.
- 13. Ibid.: and
Pickering to Silverstein. 29 Dec. 1959.
- 14. Senate Committee on
Aeronautical and Space Sciences, NASA Scientific and Technical
Programs, hearings, 87/1, 28 Feb., 1 Mar. 1961, pp. 254-65.
- 15. House Committee on
Science and Astronautics, Centaur Program, hearings before
Subcommittee on Space Sciences, 87/2, 15 & 18 May 1962, p.
- 16. Ibid pp. 4-5,
63-66; John L. Sloop, Liquid Hydrogen as a Propulsion Fuel.
1945-1959, NASA SP-4104 (Washington, 1978), chap. 10; and Homer to
Cmdr., Air Research and Development Command, 17 Aug. 1959.
- 17. Silverstein to Ira
H. Abbott, "Establishment of Centaur Project Technical Team," 17
Nov. 1959.
- 18. Stewart to Glennan,
''Considerations of Vega ,Agena B and Centaur,'' 2 0ct. 1959;
Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space .Sciences, NASA
Authorization for Fiscal Year 1960, pp. 24-35; Sloop, Liquid
Hydrogen, chap. 12: and House Committee on Science and
Astronautics, Centaur Program, pp. 7-8.
- 19. Robert J. Parks,
"Presentation of the Planetary Program," in JPL, "Planetary
Program Briefing Summary, July 8, 1960, Revised as Presented," 14
July 1960, pp. 1-2.
- 20. Ibid., p. 3.
- 21. Ibid., pp. 4,
- 22. NASA, "Planetary
Program Chronology," encl. to "Planetary Program
Briefing&emdash;October 17, 1962.''
- 23. JPL, "Mariner B
Study Report," TM33-34, March 1961, p. 7; and JPL, "Mariner B
Capsule Study, Mars 1964 Mission," Engineering Planning Document
79, 20 Apr. 1962.
- 24. Ibid.
- 25. Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Instrumentation Laboratory, "A
Recoverable Interplanetary Space Probe," rpt. R-235, 4 vols., 1
July 1959.
- 26. JPL, "Mariner B
Study Report," pp. 8, 12.
- 27. NASA's outlook on
Centaur in the spring of 1960 can be followed in: Homer to Herbert
F. York (draft retyped), 7 March 1960; Homer to Bernard A.
Schriever, 18 March 1960, with encls.; and Alfred J. Gardner,
''Minutes of First Meeting of Centaur Working Committee,
Headquarters, NASA, Washington," 4 May 1960.
- 28. Don R. Ostrander to
Glennan, "Centaur Program; Report of Explosion on Vertical Test
Stand at Pratt and Whitney," 17 Nov. 1960.
- 29. House Committee on
Science and Astronautics, Centaur Program, p. 8.
- 30. Cortright to Thomas
F. Dixon, "Recommendations on the Centaur Program," 17 Jan. 1961.
The Able M design is described in Space Technology Laboratories,
Inc., "Able Mars Feasibility Study (NASW-246)," 24 July
- 31. NASA, "Planetary
Program Chronology."
- 32. Oran W. Nicks to
Edward C. Ezell, 6 June l977. For Mariner R experiments, see:
Charles P. Sonett to Jack James, 16 Oct. 1961; Paul J. Coleman to
Silverstein. Notification for Mariner-A Experimenters of Project
Cancellation," 17 Oct. 1961; Sonett to James, 26 Cct. 1961; and
Coleman to Newell, "Experiments and Experimenters for the 1962
Mariner-R Mission to Venus,'' 5 Dec. 1961.
- 33. NASA, "Planetary
Program Chronology"; and Mariner-Venus 1962 Final Project Report,
NASA SP-59 (Washington, 1965), pp. 11-12.
- 34. Hall, Lunar Impact,
p. 160.
- 35. Hall, Project
Ranger, p. 340; Hail, Lunar Impact. pp. 160-77; Ronald J. Ostraw,
"Mariner II's Space Triumph Is Result of $13-Million Battle
against Odds,'' Washington Post, 17 Dec. 1962; and Jonathan
Spivak, "Mariner Probe of Venus Called a Success; Power Failure
Cuts Use of Relay Satellite," Wall Street Journal, 17 Dec.
- 36. NASA, Mariner-Venus
l962 Final Project Report pp. 12-15, 87-120; John E. Naugle,
Unmanned Space Flight (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston,
1965). p 133: and Marcia Neugebaur et al., "The Mission of Mariner
II: Preliminary Observations,'' Science 138 (7 Dec. 1962):
- 37. NASA, " Planetary
Program Chronology'': and Fred D. Kochendorfer to Chairman, Space
Sciences Steering Committee, "Scientific Experiments for the 1964
Mariner C Mission to Mars,'' 18 Mar. 1963.
- 38. NASA, "Membership
of Space Sciences Steering Committee and Subcommittees," circular
125, 7 Feb. 1 96 1; and NASA, "Space Science and Applications
Steering Committee. " NASA Management Instruction 1152.51, 5 Nov.
1973. See also Space Science Board, "Minutes of the First Meeting,
Committee on Chemistry of Space and Exploration of Moon and
Planers of the Space Science Board," 13 Nov. 1958; and Space
Science Board, ''Ad Hoc Committee on Chemistry of Space and
Exploration of the Moon and Planets," interim rpt., 8 Jan.
- 39. Newell to Hugh
Odishaw, 10 Mar. 1961.
- 40. Odishaw to Newell,
31 Mar. 1961, with encl., "Mariner B Consideration Planetary
Atmospheres Study Croup," 31 Mar. 1961.
- 41. The best single
source on the Apollo decision is John M. Logsdon, The Decision to
Go to the Moon: Project Apollo and the National Interest
(Cambridge, Mass., and London: MIT Press, 1970).
- 42. Hall, Lunar Impact,
p. 120.
- 43. Rosholt.
Administrative History, pp. 197-239; and Hall, Lunar Impact, pp.
121-22,The changes included: 1. All of the centers, including JPL
and the new Manned Spacecraft Center to be established in Houston,
reported directly to Associate Administrator Robert C. Seamens,
Jr., on all matters concerning institutional operations. 2.
Headquarters program offices for Advanced Research Programs (Ira
H. Abbbott), Space Flight Programs (Abe Silverstein). Launch
Vehicle Programs (Don Ostrander), and Life Science Programs
(Charles Roadman) were abolished. 3. Those offices were replaced
by four new ones&emdash;Advanced Research and Technology (Abbott),
Space Sciences (Newell),.Manned Space Flight (D. Brainerd Holmes
brought in from RCA), and Applications (vacant). An agency-wide
support office for Tracking and Data Acquisition (Edmond Buckley)
was also established. These program offices were to supervise the
projects run by the field centers in their areas of
- 44. The Mariner B
experiment selection process can be followed in the following
representative documents: Newell, memo 7 Apr. 1961: Sonett to
Pickering. 25 Apr. 1961: Roger C. Moore to Silverstein. ''List of
Tentative Experiments and Experimenters Recommended for 1964
Mariner B Mission to Mars (P-70). 18 0ct. 1961; Silverstein to
Pickering, 19 Oct. 1961: Moore and Coleman to Sonett, TWX, 18 0ct.
1961; Moore to Silverstein, ''Research Proposal for Mariner B
Instrumentation .Support, 25 Oct. 1961; Coleman to Thomas L.. K.
Smull, "Disposition of Mariner B Proposals. 2 Nov. 1961; Coleman
to Smull, "Additional Rejected Mariner-B Proposals," 29 Nov. 1961;
Sonett to Parks. 13 Dec. 1961; Moore to Newell, "Revised List of
Experimenters Recommended for 1964 Mariner mission to Mars (P70
and P71)," 3 May 1962; Newell to Pickering, 4 May 1962; .and
Newell to Harry J. Goett. ''1964 Mariner B Mission to Mars," 4 May
1962, with encls.
- 45. Sonett to Nicks,
''Problems Requiring Clarification and/or Decisions," 19 Feb.
1962; and Newell to Pickering, 4 May 1962.
- 46. Newell to Robert E.
Bottrdeau, 4 May 1962.
- 47. Kochendorfer to
Parks. 10 May 1962; and Newell to Goett, "Proposed Project
Development Plan for Planetary capsule, " 14 May 1962.
- 48. Coleman to Nicks,
"Status of the Scientific Payloads of the Mariner B Bus and
Capsule (as of June 1, 1962),''18 June 1962; Coleman to Newell
,''A Radio Propagation Experiment for the Mariner-B Mission.'' 17
Aug. 1962; and Newell to Goett, ''Electron Experiment for the
Mariner-B Program,'' 5 Sept. 1962.
- 49. NASA, "Planetary
Program Chronology"; and NASA, Off. of Space Sciences, Mariner
Project, "Administrator's Progress Report,'' 31 Aug. 1962.
- 50. Glenn A. Reiff,
"Mariner for Mars 1964 Meeting," memo, 17 Sept. 1962.
- 51. Parks to Nicks, 20
Sept. 1962.
- 52. Ibid.
- 53. D. L. Forsythe to
Newell, "Program Management for Light and Medium Launch Vehicles,"
18 Sept. 1962. Also see Erasmas H. Kloman, "Surveyor and Lunar
Orbiter; Case Studies of Project Management,'' 30 June 1970, p.
11-5, prepared under contract for the Off. of Space Sciences, MS.
In NASA History Off. Archives.
- 54. Wernher von Braun
to Newell. 20 Sept. 1962; and Newell to von Braun. 29 Mar. 1961,
in which Centaur payload needs were clearly delineated.
- 55. Sparks to Newell,
13 Sept. 1962, encl.
- 56. Ibid.
- 57. Ibid.
- 58. Sparks to Newell, 2
Oct. 1962; Thomas F. Dixon to Robert C. Seamans, Jr.,
"Implementation of Centaur Transfer,'' 4 Oct. 1962; von Braun to
Div. Directors and Off. Chiefs, "Centaur Transfer," 16 0ct. 1962:
Seamans to Silverstein and von Braun, "Centaur Development
Project," 24 Oct. 1962; J. R. Dempsey to ''Full .Supervision''
distr., "Centaur Reorganization," General Dynamics/Astronautics
notice l9, 9 Nov. 1962: KIoman, "Surveyor and Lunar Orbiter," pp.
II-9,II-l0; and Philip Geddes. Centaur: How It Was Put Back on
Track," Aerospace Management 7 (Apr. 1964): 24-29.
- 59. Newell to Sparks,
23 Oct. 1962.
- 60. Donald P. Hearth,
''Voyager Mariner B Discussions, 17 December l962," memo for
record, 3 Jan. 1963.
- 61. Newell to Goett,
"Study of Capsule Development for Mariner B," 21 Dec. 1962; and
Nicks to Parks, 21 Dec. 1962.
- 62. Kochendorfer to
Nicks, "Redirection of Mariner B," 4 Mar. 1963; and Kochendorfer
to Nicks, "Redirection of Mariner B, Addendum I," 14 Mar.
- 63. Newell interview by
Edward C. Ezell. 25 May 1977; and Kennedy Space Center, A Summary
of Major NASA Launchings KSC: Historical Rpt. 1, pp. B-6.