On Mars:
Exploration of the Red Planet. 1958-1978
BEGINS: 1959-1965
- [51] The search for extraterrestrial
life was a direct by-product of 20th century biochemists' quest
for the origins of life on Earth. Instruments proposed by
scientists to determine if there were detectable life forms or the
organic matter necessary for such life forms to exist elsewhere in
the solar system were based on the assumption that the laws
governing the evolution of life on Earth are universally
applicable, as are the laws of physics. When the Viking spacecraft
was launched to Mars in 1975, they carried three biological
experiments and a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer, instruments
with an intellectual and technological history reaching back to
the early days of American space science. In fact, the development
of life-detecting devices predates the availability of both
spacecraft and launch vehicles.
- As with many aspects of modern biology,
the search for extraterrestrial life begins with Charles Darwin.
His classic work, On the Origin of
Species (1859), sparked
considerable discussion of evolution, but it also led to
speculation over the original source of life. In the 1860s, Louis
Pasteur concluded that the spontaneous generation of microbes was
not possible; all life on Earth came from preexisting life. What
was the origin of those life forms? The Darwinian theory led many
scientists to believe that the multiplicity of plant and animal
species had a common source. In an 1871 letter, Darwin suggested
that perhaps Earth's atmosphere, too, had evolved.
- It is often said that all the conditions
for the first production of a living organism are now present,
which could ever have been present. But if (and oh! what a big
if!) we would conceive in some warm little pond, with all sorts of
ammonia and phosphoric salts, light, heat, electricity, etc.,
present, that a protein compound was chemically formed ready to
undergo still more complex changes, at the present day such matter
would be instantly devoured or absorbed, which would not have been
the case before living creatures were formed. 1
- In his speculation, Darwin rejected the
premise that Earth's environment had always been static.
- [52] Most scientists disagreed with
the theory that life on Earth had its beginnings in a prebiotic
environment, until the idea was simultaneously revived in the
1920s by two biochemists, J.B.S. Haldane of Great Britain and
Aleksandr Ivanovich Oparin of the Soviet Union. Halden and Oparin
independently asserted that although it was very unlikely for life
forms or organic molecules to appear biologically in an
oxygen-rich atmosphere, such compounds could have appeared
millions of years ago in a very different environment. They
postulated that in a prebiotic, sterile era organic compounds of
ever-increasing complexity, accumulated in the seas and eventually
by random combinations produced a listing molecule. On the nature
of that prehistoric atmosphere, Haldane and Oparin
- Haldane favored a combination of ammonia,
carbon dioxide, water vapor, and little or no oxygen. Organic
compounds were synthesized by energy front ultraviolet light.
Gradually the evolutionary process produced more complex molecules
capable of self-duplication. Oparin's primordial atmosphere
consisted of methane, ammonia, water vapor, and hydrogen.
According to his theory, an abundance of organic compounds in the
seas, given enough time, would permit the formation of organic
molecules that would be the foundation for yet more complex life
forms. Despite their work, most other biochemists through the
1910s insisted on attempting to synthesize organic compounds in
oxygen-rich environments. In the 1950s, the focus shifted to the
production of amino acids.
- As with improved astronomical instruments,
new biochemical techniques, such as paper
chromatography,* opened new doors. One door led to the study of
amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Biochemists believed
that amino acids might hold clues to the origin of life, since
primeval forms of life were assumedly protein-centered. Melvin
Calvin commented on the logic behind these early studies: "We had
every reason to suppose that the primitive Earth had on its
surface organic molecules.'' If one went further and postulated a
"reducing," or oxygen-poor atmosphere, "most of the carbon was
very largely in the form of methane or carbon monoxide,....the
nitrogen was mostly in the form of ammonia, there was lots of
hydrogen, and oxygen was all...in the form of water." Given these
simple molecules, was it possible to create more complex ones in
the laboratory? Calvin and several other scientists began to
experiment with reduced atmospheres containing primarily carbon
- Stanley L. Miller, while pursuing his
doctoral-studies at the University of Chicago, was the first to
produce amino acids in a reducing atmosphere. Working under Harold
Urey, he developed a closed-system apparatus into which he
introduced a mixture of methane, ammonia, water, and hydrogen.
When subjected to a high-frequency spark for a week,
milligram-quantities of glycine, alanine, and
alpha-amino-n-butyric acid were produced. [53] Apparently,
he was on the right track. Miller reported his early results in
Science magazine in May 1953. 3 Norman Horowitz, a biologist from the California
Institute of Technology, commented: "This experiment on organic
synthesis on simulated primitive Earth atmosphere is the most
convincing of all the experiments that have been done in this
field." 4
- Six years later Miller and Urey reported
further on the implications of their research. The absence of
hydrogen in Earth's present atmosphere was a clue. They had begun
their study assuming that cosmic dust clouds, from which
presumably the planets had been formed, contained a great excess
of hydrogen. "The planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are
known to have atmospheres of methane and ammonia,'' they noted,
similar to primitive Earth's atmosphere. Given the lower
temperatures and higher gravitational fields of these outer
planets, time had not been sufficient for the excess hydrogen to
escape. Miller and Urey held that Earth and the inner planets had
"also started out with reducing atmospheres and that these
atmospheres became oxydizing, due to the escape of hydrogen."
Their production of amino acids in the laboratory indicated that
before the development of an oxygen-rich atmosphere (the result of
biological activity), the primitive environment was conducive to
the formation of many different complex organic compounds. As soon
as oxygen began to replace the hydrogen, experiments indicated
that the spontaneous production of those compounds (amino acids)
ceased. 5
- Miller's experience in the laboratory
spurred further research, and with it speculation reappeared about
the presence of life on other planets. As Miller and Urey pointed
out in 1959, living matter does not require oxygen to grow and
flourish; it was "possible for life to exist on the earth and grow
actively at temperatures ranging from 0°C, or perhaps a
little lower, to about 70°C....Only Mars, Earth, and Venus
conform to the general requirements so far as temperatures are
concerned." 6 Because of the opacity of the heavy clouds on
Venus, little could be deduced about the planet. Mars, on the
other hand, had a clear atmosphere. Seasonal changes observed on
the Martian surface suggested the possibility of
- The Red Planet became very important to
the scientists searching for the origins of earthly forms of life.
"If we find life on Mars, for example, and if see find that it is
very similar to life on earth yet arose independently of
terrestrial life, then we will be more convinced that our theories
are right.'' Miller went on to argue:
- The atmosphere of Mars would have been
reducing when this planet was first formed, and the same organic
compounds would have been synthesized in its atmosphere. Provided
there were sufficient time and appropriate conditions of
temperature, it seems likely that life arose on his planet. This
is one of the important reasons for the tremendous interest in
finding out if living organisms are on Mars and why most of all we
want to examine these organisms. We want to examine them in
biochemical detail, and this would involve bringing a sample back
to the [54] earth. What are the basic components of these
organisms? Do they have proteins, nucleic acids, sugar? If they
are completely different, then our theories about the primitive
earth and the results of this experiment seem not at all
convincing. If Martian organisms are identical to the earth's
organisms in basic components, then there seems to be the
possibility that some cross-contamination occurred between the
earth and Mars. But, if Martian organisms have small but
significant difference, then it would seem that theirs was
probably an independent evolution, under the kind of conditions
that we envision as those of the primitive earth.
- In 1959, Miller and Urey concluded,
"Surely one of the most marvelous feats of the 20th-century would
be the firm proof that life exists on another planet." They could
have been addressing NASA when they added, "All the projected
space flights and the high costs of such developments would be
fully justified if they were able to establish the existence of
life on either Mars or Venus." 8
- Especially significant for the search for
extraterrestrial life were developments in the field of
comparative biochemistry. Nobel-Prize-winning geneticist Joshua
Lederberg told a Stockholm audience in the spring of 1959 that
"comparative biochemistry has consummated the unification of
biology revitalized by Darwin one hundred years ago." For many
years, Lederberg noted, there had been a "pedagogic cleavage of
academic biology from medical education." Lederberg cited two
other specialists in the field in making his point: "Since
Pasteur's startling discoveries of the important role played by
microbes in human affairs, microbiology as a science has always
suffered from its eminent practical applications. By far the
majority of the microbiological studies were undertaken to answer
questions connected with the well-being of mankind." By the late
1950s, however, research into the chemical and genetic aspects of
the microbiological world led medical and biological investigators
to realize that their work had much in common. "Throughout the
living world we see a common set of structural units-amino acids,
coenzymes, nucleins, carbohydrates and so forth-from which every
organism builds itself. The same holds for the fundamental
processes of biosynthesis and of energy metabolism,"
9 This global perspective on the underlying unity of
life on Earth, together with the common chemical origin of the
planets, made it not unreasonable to postulate the possibility of
life on other bodies in the solar system. Furthermore, the
discovery of life elsewhere would give biological theory a
long-sought universality. The origin of life studies and the work
in comparative biochemistry formed the intellectual foundation
trial permitted respectable scientists to discuss the possible
existence of extraterrestrial life.
* The process of separating a solution of
closely related compounds by allowing a solution to seep through
an absorbent paper so that each compounds becomes absorbed in a
separate zone.