On Mars:
Exploration of the Red Planet. 1958-1978
- [414] Viking's explorations and
discoveries did not stop with the search for life. The great
disappointment felt by the biologists was tempered to a degree by
the wealth of other findings.
- Radio Science
- One group of Viking investigators who did
not have any scientific instruments of their own
* on the four spacecraft but whose work assisted many
scientists was the radio science team led by William H. Michael of
the Langley Research Center. By analyzing the radio beams sent
from Viking to Earth, specialists could determine precisely where
the landers touched down and certain atmospheric and ionospheric
properties of Mars, as well as gather data about the surface and
internal properties of the planet and [415] about the solar
system. The team's work can be divided into three general areas,
as shown in table 55.
- Table 55: Viking
Radio Science Investigations.
- Viking Radio Science
- 1. Dynamical, surface. and internal
properties of Mars
- Spin-axis orientation and motion
- Spin rate
- Gravity field
- Figure
- Surface dielectric constant
- 2. Atmospheric and ionospheric properties
of Mars
- Pressure, temperature, and
density-altitude profiles
- Electron-number density-altitude
- 3. Solar system properties
- Ephemerides a of Mars and
- Masses of Martian satellites
- Interplanetary medium
- Solar corona
- Tests of general relativity
- a Ephemerides are tabular statements of the predicted
positions of celestial bodies at regular intervals.
- Investigations of the locations of the
Viking landers and the dynamical properties of Mars use primarily
radio tracking of the landers, with some reliance on radio
tracking of the orbiters for calibration. Determination of the
gravity field and atmospheric and ionospheric properties use radio
tracking of the orbiters, while the solar system and surface
properties investigations rely on combinations of orbiter and
lander radio tracking data. On Earth, the scientists use the
transmitting, receiving, and data collection facilities of NASA's
Deep Space Network at the 64-and 26-meter stations in California,
Australia, and Spain. 80
- Although radio science operations began
during Viking's cruise to Mars when the orbiter high-gain antenna
was activated and tracking data were received, this activity was
mostly related to checkout procedures, with some effort devoted to
data and systems calibration. More immediately useful work began
after the first landing, as doppler and range data became
available for the first time between Earth and a spacecraft on
another planet. From the first few days of tracking, the radio
science specialists were able to ascertain "the location of the
lander, the radius of Mars at the landing site, and the
orientation of the spin axis of Mars." Additional data from both
landers led to an initial determination from Viking findings of
the spin rate of the Red Planet. After analyzing signal amplitude
data from the lander-orbiter relay link, Michael and his
colleagues were even able to suggest that the surface material
around the first lander had electrical properties similar to that
for pumice or tuff, a volcanic rock.
- [416] The precision of future Mars maps
will be improved considerably, especially in the 30° south to
60° north latitudes, as a result of the radio science team's
work during the extended mission's low-altitude gravity survey. As
the second orbiter assumed a lower orbit (about 300 kilometers),
the scientists measured the effect Martian gravity had on orbiter
accelerations. They noted that Olympus Mons produced a very large
gravitational acceleration, while prominent, though smaller,
perturbations were observed over Tharsis Montes and Elysium
Planitia. Results from a bistatic radar experiment will also help
specialists identify Martian features more accurately by shedding
light on surface reflectivity, surface roughness, slopes at
various scales, and electrical properties of the surface in
regions not accessible to Earth-based radar. These surface
parameters are derived "from spectral analyses of signals
transmitted toward specific locations on Mars from the orbiter
antennas, reflected from the surface of Mars, and received at the
Earth tracking stations." Besides being useful for mapping and
geological interpretations, these findings will simplify the
identification of future landing sites on Mars.
- Other questions include confirming the
Einstein theory of relativity by a time-delay test-measuring how
much the spacecraft signals are slowed as they pass near the sun
and how the precession rate of Mar's orbital perihelion varies.
During conjunction, data were gathered for studies of the solar
corona. The team was also interested in more accurately measuring
the distance between Earth and Mars and in determining the masses
of Martian moons Phobos and Deimos. Viking's extended mission
promised to be a busy time for the radio science experimenters, as
did the period immediately following actual data acquisition. It
would take many years to analyze all the results.
- Physical Properties
- The physical properties team was to draw
conclusions from a composite of data from other experiments, to
define the physical properties of the Martian soil. Richard W.
Shorthill, team leader, stated that the team had been successful
in describing the characteristics of the soil. But what it
encountered was unlike any soils on Earth.
- At the Viking 1 site were
two kinds of surfaces to investigate, the so-called rocky flats
and the sandy flats. The bulk density (the number of grams per
cubic centimeter) in the rocky flats area was slightly higher than
in the sandy flats. At the second landing site, the bulk density
was higher than the sandy area. The team determined the properties
of the Martian soil by examining photographs of the trenches dug
by the surface sampler. Cohesion (how the particles stick to each
other) was ascertained by taking the dimensions of the trenches
and the heights of the side walls and noting the collapsed state
of the walls. The cohesion exhibited in the Martian trenches was
similar to that found on Earth in a trench dug in wet sand.
However, since the Martian soil is so very dry, the cohesion must
have been [417] caused by the electrical properties of the soil.
Adhesion (tendency of the particles to stick to other objects) was
determined by observing the soil that stuck to the sides of the
surface sampler head before and after it vibrated. "We actually
did some laboratory accelerometer tests on the vibrator at Martin
Marietta while we were still on the surface of Mars to get a
calibration of the adhesive forces," remarked Shorthill. By
pushing the surface sampler into the surface until the force of
the action turned on a micro- switch, the soil's penetration
resistance could also be measured. 82
- Magnetic Properties
- The magnetic properties experiment
produced some interesting data, too. This investigation revealed
an abundance of magnetic particles on the Martian surface, in both
the soil and the very fine dust. On Earth, the most common
magnetic particles are either iron metal or iron oxides,
indicating that the red coloration of Martian soil may be caused
by a highly oxidized iron, which is normally nonmagnetic on Earth.
Robert B. Hargraves, leader of this experiment team, noted that
two kinds of iron oxide exist on Earth-magnetite and hematite.
Since hematite is nonmagnetic, perhaps the red mineral on Mars is
magnetite with a coating of red hematite. But Mars is not Earth.
"From what we've seen from the Martian imagery, these magnetic
particles themselves appear red and they appear virtually
indistinguishable from the average surface material on Mars."
Hargraves admits that they have no direct information with which
to resolve the mystery of the magnetic red soil, but the
specialists planned to continue studying supporting data from
other experiments in the hope of determining its properties more
accurately. 83
- Inorganic Chemistry
- In the inorganic chemistry investigation,
scientists analyzed the chemical elements in the Martian soil with
an x-ray fluorescence spectrometer. Lander 1 acquired five soil
samples successfully, three collected during the primary mission
and two during the extended mission; the second lander acquired
four samples for a combined total of 620 cubic centimeters of
Martian soil. Each sample was sifted through a funnel to measure
the precise size of the sample and then charged with high-velocity
particles from an x-ray source.
- When the spectrometer was supplied with a
sample, the data were sufficient to detect the presence of iron
(12-16%, maximum limits), calcium (2-6%), silicon (15-30%),
titanium (0.1-1%), aluminum (1.5-7%), magnesium (0-8%), sulfur
(2-7%), cesium (0-2%), and potassium (0-2.5%) Lander 2 attempted
to retrieve rock samples three times and failed, because what
appeared to be rocks in lander images were actually small crustal
particles that crumbled when disturbed. The scientists believe
there are pebbles but were unable to analyze one.
- [418] Benton C. Clark, deputy team leader
of the inorganic analysis team. commented that the "most striking
factor between the two Viking landing sites is that the soil
composition [chemical] is extremely similar in both cases. This is
true for all elements we can detect in the soil including the very
high" sulfur content, almost 100 times greater than the amount of
sulfur found in Earth or lunar soil. One specialist remarked that
they would be hard pressed to find such a closely matched pair of
samples at such widely divergent sites on Earth, or even on the
moon. The chemists think the giant dust storms that occur
approximately every two years probably have mixed up the soil very
efficiently and distributed it all over the planet as a fairly
uniform mixture.
- Despite the similarity of the soil from
the two sites, different samples from the same location did
indicate some differences in soil chemistry. ÒIn one case,
we get a higher sulphur content when we pick up a little dirt
clod. In other cases, when we push a rock aside and sample the
surface directly beneath it, we in general get a lower iron
content and a somewhat higher sulphur content." Perhaps the soil
under the rock was an older soil, whereas material out in a free
area may have been the result of more recent dust storms-"recent
in this case meaning the last thousands to millions of years." The
chemists' findings have led them to believe that the Martian soil
may have been derived from rocks with a very high magnesium and
iron content. 85
- X-ray fluorescence
- [419] The
- Public interest may have been diminished
by the failure to detect life, but many science writers continued
to pursue the Viking science results. Almost weekly until the end
of the prime mission in November when Mars disappeared behind the
sun during conjunction, the press carried reports of scientific
news from Mars. As Jerry Soffen told reporters at the second
Viking science forum in August 1976, he and his colleagues were
gratified by "the splendid coverage" they were getting, and he did
not mean just the volume, which was considerable. The scientists
had been impressed by the quality, as well:
- All of us really want to thank you and
tell you how grateful we are for the remarkable clarity that has
emerged as a result of this very open style that we are developing
right now... We have tried to each time answer your questions as
clearly as we could and I know how difficult it is, as a reporter,
to try to cover and clarify issues that seem to emerge one day and
sometimes....appear to be contradictory on the next day.
- One example of the coverage given Viking
is a series of articles in Science
News by Jonathan Eberhart, the
journal's correspondent in residence at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory during the primary mission. Respected by all his
colleagues, Eberhart had a way of making understandable the
complexities of science on Mars. Eberhart reported, among other
accounts, efforts to move one of the rocks with the second
lander's sampler arm, to find soil that had not been exposed in
recent time to harsh ultraviolet radiation. As with all other
maneuvers of the arm, the preparations took more than three weeks
of consultations with more than a dozen specialists. The first
attempt was a failure. The rock, blocking the first
sample-acquisition site, refused to budge. Some persons thought
that the rock might be frozen in place, but Priestley Toulmin of
the inorganic analysis team argued that it was probably just the
"tip-of-the-iceberg"; more of the rock was likely hidden below the
surface. "Mr. Badger," ** the second candidate for displacement, was
successfully moved. As the Viking lander team continued its
investigations of the immediate region around the landers-pushing
rocks, digging trenches, taking pictures, and measuring their
findings-the science writers continued to report on the events.
- All the Viking mission activities prompted
Gerald Soffen to comment in his Dryden lecture at the American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics' 16th Aerospace Science
Meeting in Huntsville, Alabama, in January 1978, "How remarkable!
We are performing chemical and biological experiments as though in
our own laboratories. Taking pictures at will, listening for
seismic shocks and making measurements of the atmosphere [420] and
surface. All of this from the first spacecraft ever to be landed
successfully on Mars." 88
- Management
- At the end of the primary mission in
November 1976, some major changes took place within the management
structure of the Viking Project Office. Several persons who had
led Viking since its inception moved onto new positions. Jim
Martin left NASA to become vice president of advanced programs and
planning at Martin Marietta Aerospace in Bethesda, Maryland.
89 Tom Young, who had been serving both as Viking
mission director and as Martin's deputy for JPL operations, took
the post of director of lunar and planetary programs at NASA
Headquarters. 90 For a time, Soffen maintained his position as
Viking project scientist, but he was often called on to be a
roving ambassador for the Mars project, traveling around the world
telling scientific and lay audiences about the "real Mars" they
had discovered. When Viking entered the extended mission phase in
mid-December 1976, following the end of solar conjunction,
however, many familiar faces still remained to complete the
project. G. Calvin Broome had become project manager and mission
director, and Conway Snyder, formerly orbiter scientist, first
acted and then assumed full authority as project scientist.
- With the start of the extended mission,
one phase of Mars exploration had come to an end. The goal of
landing and successfully operating an unmanned scientific
laboratory on the surface had been achieved, and vast archives of
new and exciting information about the Red Planet had been
amassed. The extended mission properly belongs to the post-Viking
era, a period of evaluation and appraisal, With this initial
scientific reconnaissance over, the issue facing the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration was, What next? Viking,
scientists hoped, was only a first step. The debate over
subsequent steps would require decisions about not just exploring
Mars but also how exploring Mars fitted into the overall scheme of
NASA's planetary programs. One chapter closed, it was time to
begin a new one.
* An X-band
downlink on the orbiters was added specifically to enhance radio
science capabilities and to conduct communications
- ** Henry J.
Moore II named four large Martian rocks after characters - Mr.
Badger, Mr. Mole, Mr. Rat, and Mr. Toad - from Wind in the Willows
by Kenneth Grahame.