On Mars:
Exploration of the Red Planet. 1958-1978
- [481] This essay is designed to serve as a
guide to the sources used in preparing this history, rather than
as an inclusive catalog. The source notes are the main guide to
the materials used, but some discussion about research techniques
and the items cited in the source notes will enhance the reader's
understanding of how the history was prepared. We also hope this
note will be useful to subsequent researchers. Much of this hook
was written very close to time to the events described, and the
subject deserves further study.
- From the standpoint of sources, the book
can be divided into two parts-chapters l through 4 and chapters S
through the Epilogue. In the former, we relied heavily on
traditional sources familiar to the historical researcher: books,
periodicals, newspapers, and occasional documents from the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Space
Science Board (SSB) of the National Academy of Sciences, and
related organizations, In the second part of the book we have
used, for the most part, internal NASA documentation: memorandums,
letters, telexes, reports, weekly activity reports, minutes of
meetings. This NASA paperwork represented the collective product
of the Viking Program Office at NASA Headquarters, the Viking
Project Office at the Langley Research Center (LaRC), the Viking
Orbiter Office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), and the
industrial contractors, Similar documents for the Mariner and
Voyager projects were also used, Specific comments for each of the
two parts follow.
- Scientific interest in the Red Planet,
always very keen, increased with the coming of the space age. The
literature on Mars is ever growing. Researchers interested in the
literature that has evolved since 1958 should consult the
following bibliographic aids:
- NASA RECON (a computerized system for
access to aerospace literature).
- RECON permits a quick review of the
technical periodicals and report literature related to NASA
engineering and science projects. The NASA publication
(Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports) and the American
Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics' International. Aerospace Abstracts duplicate in a printed version much of the
bibliographical information contained in RECON.
- [482] Icarus, international
journal of solar system studies, 1962-present.
- Icarus
is the single most important journal for scientific studies
related to Mars. Many of the issues discussed its the planning for
NASA flights to Mars were first debated it1 the pages of this
journal founded by Carl Sagan. Over the years since 1962, most of
the major findings of Martian research were reported in Icarus,
including the results of Soviet investigations.
- Scientific and Technical Information
- Extraterrestrial Life. A Bibliography,
1952-1964. N.ASA SP-7015.
Washington, September 1964. This annotated bibliography contains
183 citations.
- Shneour, Elie A., and Ottesen, Eric A.,
- Extraterrestrial Life: Art Anthology
and Bibliography. NAS publication
1296A. Washington: National Academy of Sciences, 1966. This
collection of readings and bibliographical entries was prepared to
accompany the following publication.
- Pittendrigh, Colin S.; Vishniac, Wolf: and
Pearman, J. P. T., eds.
- Biology and the Exploration of Mars:
Report of a Study Held under the Auspices of the, Space Science
Board, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council,
1964-1965. NAS publication
1296.National Academy of Sciences, 1966. Part 3, the bibliography
(Extraterrestrial Life Anthology and Bibliography), contains more
than 2000 selected references to published literature through
mid-1964, with an addendum of papers published through the latter
part of 1965.
- Magnolia, L. R.; Gogin, S. A.; and Turley,
J. A.
- Exobiology: A
Bibliography. Research biography
52. TRW STL Technical Library: Redondo Beach, Calif., October
1964. The report contains 400 annotated citations with indexes to
authors, subjects, serials, and Defense Technical Information
Center (AD) and NASA (N) accession numbers. It can be retrieved on
the NASA/RECON system as document N 65-19834.
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
- Mariner Mars 1964
Bibliography. Project Document 67,
Rev. 1. Pasadena, 7 November 1966. Intended primarily for internal
use at JPL, the bibliography covers internal reports and other
documentation for the period 1962-1966.
- ______ .
- Jet Bibliography of Voyager Spacecraft
Related Documents. Pasadena, 8
February 1967. This bibliography lists NASA, JPL, and contractor
documents for 1964 and 1967.
- Magnolia, L. R. and Gogin, S. A.
- Manned Mars Missions: A
Bibliography. Research Bibliography
53. TRW STL Technical Laboratories: Redondo Beach, Calif., April
1965. The bibliography contains 348 annotated references to manned
Mars flyby and stopover missions, unmanned preparatory missions,
and Earth-based studies of bars for the years 1955 to January
1965. Supplemental data on manned Mars missions can be found in
the NASA RECON system.
- Magnolia, L.R.
- The Planet Mars: A Selected
Bibliography. TRW Systems Group
Special Literature Survey 61, 20 April 1973.
- General publications that were useful in
the preparation of chapters 1 through 4 include:
- [483] Berkner, Lloyd V., and Odishaw,
Hugh, eds.
- Science in Space. New York, Toronto, London: McGraw-Hill, 1961. The
first overview the field of space science, this book is an
essential starting point for students of American scientific
activities in space.
- Blum, Harold F.
- Time's Arrow and
Evolution. Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1951.
- Glasstone, Samuel.
- The Book of Mars. NASA SP-179. Washington, 1968.
- Hall, R. Cargill.
- Lunar Impact: A History of Project
Ranger. NASA SP-4210. Washington,
- ________ .
- Project Ranger: A
Chronology. JPL/HR-2- Pasadena: Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, 1971.
- Hoyt, William Graves.
- Lowell and Mars. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1976.
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
- Exploration of the Moon, the Planets,
and Interplanetary Space, ed.
Albert R. Hibbs. JPL report 30-1. Pasadena: Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, 1959.
- Young, Richard S.; Painter, Robert B.; and
Johnson, Richard D.
- An Analysis of the Extraterrestrial
Life Detection Problem. NASA SP-75.
Washington, 1965.
- Ley, Wily, and Bonestell, Chesley.
- The Conquest of space. New York: Viking Press, 1949.
- _____ , and von Braun, Wernher.
- The Exploration of Mars. New York: Viking Press, 1956.
- Logsdon, John M.
- The Decision to Go to the Moon: Project
Apollo and the National Interest.
Cambridge, Mass., and London; MIT Press, 1970.
- National Academy of Sciences-National
Research Council.
- A Review of Space Research: The Report
of the Summer Study Conducted under the Auspices of the National
Academy of Sciences at the State University of Iowa, Iowa City,
Iowa, June 17-August 10, 1962.
NAS-NRC publication 1079. Washington: National Academy of
Sciences, 1962.
- Newell, Homer E.
- Beyond the Atmosphere: Early Sears of
Space Science. NASA SP-421 1.
Washington, 1980.
- Phillips, Charles R.
- The Planetary Quarantine Program:
Origins arid Achievements. NASA
SP-4902. Washington, 1974.
- Rosholt, Robert L.
- An Administrative History of NASA,
1958-1963. NASA SP-4101. Washington
- von Braun, Wernher.
- The Mars Project. Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press,
- The following document collections for
chapters 1 through 3 are held by the National Archives and Records
- Federal Records Center. Suitland, Md.
(Washington, DC 20409).
- [484] NASA, Office of the Administrator.
- - Meetings. NASA participation (National
Academy of Sciences/SSB et al.) 1958-1960: box 11, RG 255,
accession 66-A-l84.
- - Meetings of Space Science Board,
beginning to 1963: box 63, RG 255, accession 67-A-601.
- - Committees for NAS/Space Science Board
et al., 1958-1969: box 17, RG 255, accession 72-A-3070.
- NASA, Office of Space Sciences (Office of
Space Science and Applications, 1963-1971). Lunar and Planetary
Programs Office.
- - Chronological files:
- 1962-1964: box 50, RG 255, accession
- 1965-1971: box 51, RG 225, accession
- - Mariner C, R, B files (reports,
correspondence, etc.), 1964: boxes 3-8, RG 255, accession 65-A-836
(destroyed August 1973, and not available for reference).
- - Voyager Phase IA reports and evaluations
prepared by JPL June 1965 to September 1965; box 1, RG 255,
accession 66-A- 1089.
- - Voyager spacecraft final technical
reports, July 1965; boxes 1-6, RG 225, accession 66-A-578.
- - Proposals for Voyager spacecraft system,
February 1965: boxes 1-2, RG 255, accession 66-A-1155.
- - Proposals for Voyager spacecraft system,
January 1966: boxes 1-5, RG 255, accession 67-A-785.
- - Voyager spacecraft phase B contractor
reports, July 1965: boxes 1-5, RG 255, accession 67-A-202.
- - Reports on Voyager studies, August 1965
to November 1967; boxes 1-17, RG 255, Accession 68-A-6256.
- - Reports on Voyager capsule phase B
studies, August 1967: boxes 1-4, RG 255, accession
- Federal Records Center, Bell, CA
- - NASA, Voyager Project Office,
- Closeout records of Voyager Project
Office, 1967 and earlier: boxes 35341 through 35364, RG 255.
accession 68-A-746.
- - Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
- Voyager history files. 1962-1967: box 1,
RG 255, accession 70-A-779.
- The raw materials for the narrative of the
evolution of the Viking Project were found in the files of the
Viking Project Office at Langley Research Center. The files were
maintained by the General Electric Corporation as part of a
documentation support constract with that office. All
correspondence and reports were received by the General Electric
personnel stationed at Langley, who indexed the documents
chronologically, coded them for easy retrieval, and microfilmed
them on a Kodak Recordak microfilm-cassette format. The cassettes
stored (as of 1982) in the Langley [485] Research Center Technical
Library. All the paper copies of the documents were disposed of in
1978, except some groups that the authors of this history selected
for their use. The papers they used in preparation of chapters 5
through Epilogue were turned over to the NASA History Office
archivist in the summer of 1962. These documents ultimately will
become a part of the Historian's Source Files deposited at the
Washington National Records Center by the NASA Headquarters
History Office.
- In addition to the primary NASA
documentation, which the source notes cite, a number of more
conventional publications were repeatedly useful. These
- Adelson, H. E., et al.
- The Viking Lander Biology
Instrument. TRW Systems Group
Report 21020-6003-RU-00, August 1075. The report describes the
operation of each experiment of the biology instrument and the
conversion of the experimental concepts to space hardware.
- American Geophysical Union.
- Scientific Results of the Viking
Project. Washington, 1977. Reprints
of articles from Journal of Geophysical Research 82 (30 Sept.
- Biemann, Hans-Peter.
- The Vikings of '76. Hans-Peter Biemann, 1977.
- Burgess, Eric.
- To the Red Planet. Irvington, NY: Columbia University Press,
- Collins, Stuart A.
- The Mariner 6 and 7 Pictures of
Mars. NASA SP-263. Washington,
- French, Bevan M.
- Mars: The Viking
Discoveries. NASA EP-146.
Washington, 1977.
- Goodell, Rae.
- The Visible Scientists. Boston, Toronto: Little, Brown, 1975.
- Hartmann, William K., and Odell Raper.
- The New Mars: The Discoveries of
Mariner 9. NASA SP-337. Washington,
- Ley, Wily.
- Mariner IV to Mars. New York: New American Library, 1966. Martin
Marietta Corp. The Viking Mission to Mars. Denver, 1975.
- _____ , Denver Division.
- "Viking Lander `as Built' Performance
Capabilities." June 1976. This report was written for readers with
a technical background and some familiarity with the Viking
mission. Its intent is to describe the ``as-built'' capabilities
of the landers and compare them with capabilities in the
environments imposed during separation, entry, descent, and
landing. Subsystem components whose performance was essential to
mission success through landing are discussed. Particular emphasis
is given to items that required performance margins because of
uncertainties in the knowledge of Mars at the time.
- Martin Marietta Corp.
- Viking: Mars Expedition
1976. Denver, 1978.
- Morgenthaler, George W.,ed.
- Exploration of Mars, Proceedings of the
American Astronautical Society Symposium on the Exploration of
Mars. Vol. 15,
- Advances in the Astronautical Sciences.
Denver, 1963.
- [486] Phillips, Charles R.
- The Planetary Quarantine Program:
Origins and Achievements, 1956-1973. NASA SP-4002. Washington, 1974.
- Scientific and Technical Information
Office, NASA.
- Mariner- Venus 1962 Final Project
Report. NASA SP-59. Washington,
- _____ .
- Spacecraft Sterilization Technology,
Beckman ,Auditorium, Pasadena, California, 16-15,
1965. NASA SP-108. 1966.
- ______ .
- Mariner-Mars 1964: A Preliminary
Report. NASA SP-225. Washington.
- ______ .
- Mariner- Venus 1967 Final Project
Report. NASA SP-l90. Washington,
- ______ .
- Mars as Viewed by Mariner 9: A
Pictorial Presentation by the Mariner 9 Television Team and the
Planetology Program Principal Investigators. NASA SP-320. Washington, 1974.
- _____ .
- Viking 1: Early Results. NASA SP-408. Washington, 1976.
- Viking Project Office, Langley Research
Center. "Viking Flight Team Organization and Staffing." 23 June
- _____ .
- "Viking Personnel Directory." July
- _____ ,
- and Viking Mission Operations, Jet
Propulsion Laboratory. "Viking Project Mission to Mars, Viking-I
Mission Timeline," Rev. 1,7 June 1976.
- Viking Lander Imaging Team.
- The Martian Landscape. NASA SP-425. Washington, 1978.
- Washburn, Mark.
- Mars at Last! New York: Putnam, 1977.
- Werber, Morton.
- Objectives and Models of the Planetary
Quarantine Program. NASA SP-344.
Washington, 1975.
- Some postmission documents will be
essential reading for future scholars interested in the history of
the Viking Project;
- Holmberg, Neil A.: Faust, Robert P.; and
Holt, H. Milton.
- Viking `75 Spacecraft Design and Test
Summary. NASA RP-1027. Washington,
1980. Vol. l, Lander
Design; vol. 2, Orbiter Design: vol.
3, Engineering and Test
- Goddard Space Flight Center, National
Space Science Data Center/World Data Center A for Rockets and
- Catalog of Viking Mission
Data, Robert W. Vostreys, ed. NSSDC
report no. 78-01. Greenbelt, Md., May 1981. This document catalogs
available scientific data acquired by the Viking science teams. It
is the starting point for anyone wishing to use these
- Tucker, Robert.
- Viking Lander Imaging Investigation:
Picture Catalog of Primary Mission Experiment Data
Record. NASA RP-1007. Washington,
[487] February 1978. A general reference for imaging data from
Viking, the volume presents results of procedures applied to the
imaging data to produce an organized record as complete and as
error-free as possible. It contains all images returned by the two
Viking landers during the primary mission. Skyline drawings
display the outlines of each image.