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SP-425 The Martian Landscape


Viking 1 Lander Pictures


[34] The pictures in this volume were selected and arranged by Kenneth L. Jones who, in addition, was responsible for the special processing of the original imaging data.

Because the Viking Lander cameras have a fixed vertical field of view of either 20° (high resolution mode) or 60° (survey, color, and infrared modes), but an adjustable azimuthal dimension, many of the pictures are relatively long panoramas. In some instances we have been obliged to split these panoramas so that two parts appear on facing pages. Where this has been necessary we have retained a small amount of overlapping image so that the reader can mentally piece the two parts together.

Individual captions are not intended to be exhaustive descriptions of the pictures. Many objects appear in more than one picture, but are mentioned only where they are shown to best advantage. All particulars relating to camera settings, time of day, picture location, and the like are contained in the table which appears on page 154. The position and scale of pictures can be visualized by reference to the skyline drawings that accompany the table. By using this supporting information, readers can answer for themselves certain technical questions raised by the pictures but not discussed in the captions.